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Episode 349 - The Homophiliacs

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Dave Holmes and Matt McConkey of the new podcast Homophilia join Howard and Kulap for this week’s Who Charted! They count down Spotify’s Top 5 Songs in the US, and Matt professes his love for all things Jennifer Aniston. Then, Dave and Matt get into talkin’ gay stuff and everyone shares their heartbreak stories during the Movie Chart. Later, Howard explains why we’re in the Golden Age of Tech and Stard helps open some long-lost gifts while the gang counts down Kevin’s Hot Picks during Two Charted.

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Another top Earwolf Welcoming Committee episode for the books, not that there's anything wrong with that. Can't wait for an Off Book one.


To Howard's point about VR warding off movie-goers, it's clearly just a matter of time before they get both cheaper + better than the projector, at which point everything will be filmed in 360, but until then I find it fun to move to the front 3 rows and get the next best thing, a maxed out 180.

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