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Everything posted by JohnParsons

  1. JohnParsons

    Stand aka Stand (an ode to R.E.M.)

    Bumpin for that rockin' Mike Mills RUTREMRe:Me ep!
  2. JohnParsons

    I Love To Plug

    Bumpin again bc I know Scott loves Sondheim
  3. JohnParsons

    I Love To Plug

    Talk, talk Plug, plug Work, work Babble, babble Merch, merch Plug, plug Bing, bong Travel, travel Netflix special, podcast Improv, sketch group Talk
  4. JohnParsons

    The Plug Compartment

  5. JohnParsons

    One Last Feature

    https://soundcloud.com/soundnoodle/one-last-feature Just a little something we call plugs!
  6. JohnParsons

    I Love To Plug

    Bump for frogs!
  7. JohnParsons

    Stand aka Stand (an ode to R.E.M.)

    In honor of the holiday ep of R U Talkin R.E.M. Re Me!
  8. https://soundcloud.com/soundnoodle/plug-these-boots Hey! Smell these boots. Plug up these boots, yeah!
  9. JohnParsons

    Plug Bag Rag

    Here's a jazzy tune about the plug bag and my doggie doug! https://soundcloud.c...ns/plug-bag-rag
  10. JohnParsons

    Plug Bag Rag

    Thanks man! Yes, I did indeed, glad you liked it. And I appreciate the feedback, I know not all of us get the "would you rather" treatment when it comes to the length of intro songs.