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Pure Guava

"Buns of steel? Try all of steel" ---The Terminator, spoken wryly to a wall of TVs he passes by after the nude time travel thing happens

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As the Terminator stretches his nude body, trying to work out a time-travel-related cramp in his upper thigh, he notices a giant wall of TV's all playing a workout video. His curiosity piqued, he walks over to the store window oblivious to the crowd of bystanders gawking at his big floppy android dong.  "Buns of steel? Try all of steel" the Terminator wryly remarks out loud to no-one in particular, although one of the dong gawkers overhears him but since he doesn't know what a Terminator is much less looks like, he just thinks this naked floppy-donged weirdo is mumbling some PCP-inspired nonsense and goes back to the gawking of the dong until Terminator sees a gun and blows everyone's head off because just because he's a robot from the future doesn't mean he doesn't have body image issues too,  your gawking isn't helping at all, thank you very much. 

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9 hours ago, Colfax McLiverneck said:

In a corn-paste facial mask.

I don’t mean to be a Fussy Ruth Buzzy over here, but in the future it’s spelled “Chornn”  due to that whole CLASSIFIED attack and discovery of CLASSIFIED in the CLASSIFIED pocket of the dead —CLASS? I FRIED! #420HighSchool —Colonel who’s last words, 



are of course etched into every CLASSIFIED in CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED, and that is how corn becomes Chornn

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And now I know that you're not Adam Scott! Adam knows that it was Captain Huh, not Colonel Who, that said those very words just after he (the REAL Adam Scott) removed the ball gag and gave him five dollars to go to the store and get come cornbread mix! IMPOSTER!!

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