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About joeym

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  1. I was stoked on this (like I have been stoked on the other 51). Complaint: you dueds just said you are going to go elsewhere, but you didn't say where you would go. Where do I point my podcatcher toward? I assume the current feed won't be updating to your new spot. Do I have to just check passionweiss.com next week or summat?
  2. joeym

    Episode 27 — Psychedelic Rap

    I liked this episode, but man how are you going to have the psychedelic rap episode and not talk about the bay area dudes. At least you should have name-checked Mac Dre. No spice 1 in the alter ego episode and no Mac Dre in the psychedelic episode. If there is one thing you guys hate the most, it is the bay. I feel like, right around the corner, you guys are going to have the "remix blows up way harder than original version" show and not mention "5 on it (remix)".
  3. joeym

    Episode 11 — Alter Egos

    it is ridiculous to have a conversation about rap alter-egos and not talk about spice-1 and ray gangester*. Spice passes out and dudes get "bucked in dey mouth" by a jamaican dude. I understand, you guys are studio gangster as fuck. -Joe PS Obscure-ish gangster raps are mostly the purview of area whites, yeah? *reggaengster?