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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/19 in Posts
3 pointsNorway! My brother has been planning a trip for a long while and I'm gonna tag along as he takes his wife and kids. Fully expect a Scandinavian musical when I get back!
2 pointsIs it sad that I grew up wanting to see Norway because of The Witches by Roald Dahl? The stories that the grandma told of boating and exploring small islands appealed to me.
2 pointsThat's kind of how I feel about it. Compelling, but maybe a bit shallow in its message? Amy makes a good case, though I do NOT agree that this film does the same things Taxi Driver or The Graduate do and I'd keep both of those on the list before Midnight Cowboy. But the latter is clearly a very influential work so I'm not mad about it staying on the list. I'm kind of with Roger Ebert on the Andy Warhol party scene. I've always found that part pretty dull.
2 pointsAwesome! I went to Norway about 5 years ago and it was absolutely amazing. I hope you have a wonderful time!
2 pointsWhile I think my opinion mostly aligns with Paul, I’m in the “Amy has swayed me” camp too - lol. I’ve gone through an evolution of sorts with MC. The first time I watched it, I hated it. The second time, I enjoyed it a little more, but could easily take it or leave it. And this time, while I wouldn’t say I “loved” it, I certainly appreciated it more. Like others have said, it really sticks with you afterward. Hearing Amy discuss it just confirmed for me that it definitely belongs on the list (even if I don’t have any plans to re-watch it any time soon).
2 pointsYea Amy is helping me a little with one too. I still find the film fairly superficial and think it doesn’t say all that much, really, beyond extreme hopelessness (which maybe is enough). It definitely a movie I’m finding I can’t stop thinking about though.
2 pointsI can’t wait for 18 hour days! I went to Iceland in December 2017 and had the opposite experience! we have an AirBNB on a fjord too... gonna be a scenic week I hope!
2 pointsFirst of all, please bring Mark Harris on the show for Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid so that he can talk about that film, Midnight Cowboy, and all the other 1969 films he broke down in his book "Pictures at a Revolution," and for that matter, bring him on as well for The Best Years of Our Lives so that he can talk about William Wyler and the rest of the directors he analyzed in "Five Came Back." (Of the five directors who served in WWII that Harris talks about, three of their first post-war films are on the AFI top 100: Best Years of Our Lives by Wyler, Treasure of the Sierra Madre by Huston, and It's A Wonderful Life by Capra. Stevens and Ford would also have later post-war films made in the 50s make the list with Shane and The Searchers respectively.) As for Midnight Cowboy, I'm not as willing as Amy is to sweep all the problematic aspects under the rug, but certainly hearing her defense made me feel more rosy about the picture as a whole. It's still a film that I like more than I love, but I have no qualms about it deserving a place on the list.
1 pointA made for TV movie starring Tim Curry and Fairuza Balk (Of Congo and Island of Dr. Moreau fame) This scene says it all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUhuPn8_d0Q
1 pointHey all! As promised, I’ve put together an updated Musical Mondays rotation. Nothing really has changed, in terms of order, except I’ve excised the people that can no longer participate. This should help eliminate the need to track people down when it’s their week. Of course, we welcome all our old friends to come back any time they can (as well as welcome new friends as they come ) Below is the current list of participants. If your name is not on the list, it’s because you have either asked to be removed or didn’t respond when I asked people to re-up. If you would like to be added (or re-added), feel free to say so Musical Mondays Cameron H TomSpanks Cam Bert Quasar Sniffer Cinco DeNio JammerLea Grudlian SlidePocket Gigi-tastic Theworstbuddhist AlmostaGhost Graham S
1 pointThat’s insane! Walken should have foreclosed on those deadbeats YEARS ago!
1 point
1 pointI wanted to expand on me calling it 'superficial' as I keep pondering that. I think my main issue is all these points that they mention on the pod -- homosexuality, his mother, self-identity, earlier trauma, being raised by TV, even Vietnam I guess -- are raised so minutely in the film that I feel like it's just all on the surface. I take this movie as very straightforward almost, which maybe is at odds with its rep or intent. I see it as just about a guy with some sort of misguided dream, who meets another guy with a similar misguided dream. *edit to note that sycasey simulposted a similar explanation.
1 point
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1 point
1 pointAgreed, I love this terrible movie. It's actually a great premise, but the execution is ridiculous. I feel like J.K. Rowling must've drew inspiration from it for Harry Potter. There are so many similarities: the mean Potions teacher, flying lessons, the bewitched broom, the Malfoy-esque snob, transfiguration, invisibility...And Tim Curry is unreal. "Has anybody seen my tambourine?!"
1 pointOh what timing! I am going out of the country on June 30th until mid-July. It looks like I'll be here the week of my pick but not the week of the discussion. So can I drop down 2 or 3 spots?
1 pointI am super late to the mockingbird party, so I hope you still remember what you wrote here, lol. I recently went to see To Kill A Mockingbird, the play, and these 2 points were made super obvious in the play, as you assumed.
1 pointI think that brings up the even deeper question, do these bears hibernate? If they don't and there are no Pluto bears to their Goofy bears then that is yet another reason "Hiber Nation Tour" is just incredibly stupid.
1 point
1 pointI know it was supposed to refer to hibernation but would it have been any better if the tour was called "Hi Bear Nation"?
1 pointIf I remember correctly, Queen Latifah mentions in the bar that she can't get Zeb Zoober to stop calling her "Cha-Cha". Also, during the closing credits documentary footage, she's wearing the same outfit she had on during the movie. Therefore, I think she was actually playing herself both times, and they just chose to call her "Cha-Cha" as sort of a joke in the closing credits.
1 pointUm... shoot... uh... save rent? I'm just trying to prevent the roasting. My parents ain't got much meat on 'em and I'd hate for you to waste a good spit.
1 pointMy memory is that we are all wet from Splash Mountain. I will ask my mother if she can find them. Wait... I just got that now.
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