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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/17/19 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    So I definitely watch this movie as a kid, probably rented it on VHS a couple times (my parents were very patient), but I probably haven't seen it in close to 25 years. If I tried to watch this 15 years ago, as a Very Smart 20 Year Old (uuuuggghhhh), I would most likely have seen it as a pile of garbage. But I'm like 20 minutes in and... I'm really enjoying it? I'm all-in for this "The Warriors-meets-Escape-From-New-York" world they have going. I mean, it's not good, but I can DEFINITELY see why this appealed to a 10-year-old-me. What boy 6-12 in 1994 wouldn't love this bullshit? I'm sure I did! High kicks and mohawks and weird cars with flames! Weeeeeee!
  2. 3 points
    I just wanted to say how proud I am of June for getting arrested today at the weekly climate change protest. I'm miffed that all the articles about it talk about Robert Kennedy Jr. Like we care about him when Actress/Activist June Diane Raphael is in the mix! I feel like that should be the next teepublic shirt.
  3. 2 points
    Not so much a C&O but just some (hopefully) helpful info for Paul vis Michael Bay and whether or not he could be Canadian: one simple way to tell if your DVDs are being shipped from Canada (and if they were ever intended for sale in Canada) is to check the packaging. It would have to have bilingual copy on the case (with the title in both English and French) and it would need the rating from Canada's film classification board. If it doesn't have those things, it's probably an American region 1 disc, or maybe just some kind of bootleg. Speaking of bilingualism and movies, you guys really need to watch Bon Cop Bad Cop sometime.
  4. 2 points
    Here a pretty great look at the short-lived Jeremy Renner app and how hilariously terrible it was before it was apparently destroyed by trolls.
  5. 2 points
    Double Dragon is available to stream on Tubi. It also streams through my heart 24/7.
  6. 1 point
    Not to invite myself, but I would totally do that with you. Or you could basically have a guest each time who picks a different apocalypse movie and then talks about it. I can already think of at least a few.
  7. 1 point
    Thinking about it more, there are an awful lot of movies from the 1990s with a similar aesthetic. You know, future dystopias taking influences from the same movies (the aforementioned The Warriors and Escape From New York and the like), often adaptations, that take comic book, cartoon, and/or video game imagery and utilize a very literal interpretation in formulating its imagery. I'm thinking this film, Super Mario Bros., Tank Girl, Johnny Mnemonic, and the like. We could do a limited series podcast on these kind of movies; call it "Pixelated Dystopia" or "Four Color Apocalypse."
  8. 1 point
    I hear Jason thinks this is a big bag of no thanks and it is now rotten on RT and apparently $100 mil in the hole.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Well, I loved The Revenant and I thought Di Caprio's performance was Oscar-worthy. Granted, every year there are a dozen performances that are Oscar-worthy, and awarding any artistic achievement a golden statue in some sort of attempt at quantifying the "best" in a particular year is reductive and foolish at best, but I'm glad he got his statue.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    I know the corrections and omissions are meant for the main show, but I wanted to point out that Grace Jones’s May Day from A View to a Kill was not the Bond villain with killer thighs (although it wouldn’t surprise me if she has killed people with her legs before). It was actually Xenia Onatopp (played by Famke Janssen) in Goldeneye.
  13. 1 point
    Programming note: Earwolf is migrating its files to a new hosting service and, as a result, every HDTGM episode is currently available for download. If you want to save them before they once again disappear behind the paywall, now would be a good time. You can plug the new feed URL into an RSS reader or see this set of direct links to every mainline (i.e. non-minisode/rerelease/bonus) episode:
  14. 1 point
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