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Everything posted by souprman

  1. this is your basic reversal of hetero-normative stereotypes joke. sorry i didn't explain it to you to begin with. carry on.
  2. typical woman, can't get knobs off her mind.
  3. I know Sharon from Pulling and I know Sean and Hayes from all that stuff they've done. oh yeah.... I know Eggs from Hollywood Handbook the Best podcast of all time.
  4. sorry ran, i'll go back to asking questions on the forum. 1. when is the new ep of podcasting couch coming out? 2. will the new ep of podcasting couch come out soon? 3. do you like denver? 4. isn't denver good? 5. will you talk about denver on the next ep of podcasting couch? ps: thanks for saying i'm nice.
  5. souprman

    Episode 139 - Simply Irresistible

    sorry this had to be done. coincidentally some of the lyrics vaguely line up with elements of the plot.
  6. souprman

    Episode 138.5 - Minisode 138.5

    okay sorry about multiple posts (i'm not really) that's all from me, carry on.
  7. souprman

    Episode 138.5 - Minisode 138.5

  8. souprman

    Episode 138.5 - Minisode 138.5

    hey guys long time no post. a lot of excellent tv theme song picks up but there are a few classics y'all missed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mL3Q8GNSKi4
  9. don't try to story-top me SteveH i'll come over there and slap the gabagool right out yer mouth. edit> too much? idk... just joking of course. it was a Jersey/Sopranos ref. y'know, badabing, fuhgettaboutit, etc.
  10. yes Andy, Sicilian-American advertising as well. https://en.wikipedia.../Iron_Eyes_Cody his grandson, Ram-Hand Cody went on to be a great advertiser in his own right.
  11. hi ashley, happy birthday! I wanted to get you something that expressed the rollercoaster that is our friendship. I mean one week we're hitting all the clubs and snapchatting til the wee hours of the morning and the next we're hacking each others facebook and leaving garbage on each others steps. What IS the DEAL with us?(seinfeld) anyway I found a couple things that I think encompass the full spectrum of our shared mania. I hope you have a great day and please know that I love you but I will still be ringing your doorbell at 3am and running away. 1st gift: 2nd gift: cheers!
  12. souprman

    Episode 290 - Alien Disk

    can't download. please fix. thank you. thank you!
  13. I bet that Heil microphone arm was scared as shit and confused as hell though.
  14. Jack it's okay. we love you. Here's a picture of a butterfly on a recycling bin to help you feel better.
  15. morality, like sexuality, is fluid. sucking it, like Chanson, is solid. that may have came out wrong...
  16. well i was going to see if I could buy an ad for an innovative new company I recently purchased shares in that teaches dogs how to sail, but given the tone of this thread I feel this may be this wrong crowd to advertise to for Dreidel Corp. edit>please note I do not think "sucking" anything should be used as a threat, punishment, or dismissal of any person or their substantial accomplishments on this forum.
  18. Cisco my D was a 2 lighter kind of guy too.
  19. i love this post. also that dude's blog is pretty rad.
  20. my D is in the front row in the middle with his hat all slumped forward. he's with a bunch of real men and some poor soul they crossed paths with in the woods. for that reason I wasn't too terribly broken up when this photo got all fucked up when i was moving. #ripbigsoup
  21. I was going to tell the poop song guy to call a waaaaahmbulance next time somebody hurt his delicate feelings re: songs about poop, but I think I found something better for him. http://www.poop911.com/ it's legit I saw one of their trucks today. just fyi they don't have any poop related conspiracies about 9/11 as part of the company doctrine, I asked.
  22. I'd like to thank page 6 for supporting my page 5 post.
  23. Barp Blorping Soaplads ...and then on page 5 the thread descended into utter jibberish...