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Posts posted by DougGlassman

  1. Time for a useless post. I haven't seen Channing Tatum's Magic Mike movies so maybe they explain this in those movies. Listening to the minisode again and in the trailer Paul plays are the words "Magic Mike"!!! Is this movie where Channing Tatum got his inspiration?


    I hate to disappoint you, but they're actually saying "Magic Night".


    Jenner's character is, much like Michael in Xanadu, absolutely unnecessary for the rest of the movie. The entire thing could be streamlined by making Jack into Samantha's romantic interest.

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  2. Streets of Fire could actually be good with the right remake. The art design is over the top but workable and there's some good music, along with what might be the greatest opening number ever. Seriously, "Nowhere Fast" is the most earwormy song on an HDTGM movie since "This Is The End" from Staying Alive.

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  3. I need to bring this movie's thread up again because of something I realized. This movie and Xanadu both feature annoying male leads portrayed by terrible actors who add nothing to the plot. The Apple is almost the same way apart from the lead having at least some bearing on the plot, but it's so batshit crazy that you'd hardly notice it.

  4. When the first thing you hear in the trailer is "From the producer(s) of", that's not a good sign. After all, "Can't Stop The Music" was from the producer of "Grease", so it had to be great.


    Similar to the writer example, count the number of editors in the credits. Larger and more effects-driven works do tend to have larger editing teams, but if a small-budget movie has five different lead editors like "Space Mutiny", you're in for a bad ride.
