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Everything posted by Hawkjones

  1. https://soundcloud.c...-and-the-plugly We're cool, don't say anything
  2. Hawkjones

    Episode 5 - Chris Christie Goes to the Beach

    This really demonstrates how much of a disgusting piece of shit garbage human being gabrus is. 5 stars I loved it.
  3. The part where Sean is talking about the guest segment has been so good the last two episodes. So unsure and scared.
  4. HH is finally getting poached! They moved their shoe to a better location far too late.
  5. Hawkjones

    Episode 130 - Mike Lawrence, Our Close Friend

    The cross over event of the season is coming. https://m.facebook.com/jakeandamir/videos/?mt_nav=1 Most recent video 22:48 in. Give me master scoop troop flair.
  6. Hawkjones

    Episode 130 - Mike Lawrence, Our Close Friend

    You guys Jake and amir are going to be on HH?!
  7. Guys I was spiderman and got my shirt signed and its all I can ever ask for considering I live in one of those horrible states that people fly over.
  8. Can i get the premium because I'm first? I'll buy a shirt if do get the premium. Please Hayes
  9. I'm trying to donate to the show to get the pro-version but it is just stuck on the "processing part". So UHMMMM what do I do?