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Everything posted by ChunkStyle

  1. ChunkStyle

    Episode 146 - Dreamcatcher

    MAJOR OMISSION ALERT There was no discussion of the dumbest callback in movie history. No Bounce No Play. What did the filmmakers think our reaction would be when we saw that stenciled on the wall during the flashback? "Who did that? Banksy? That is fucking brilliant!!" They thought it was so great that it gets brought back twice including to setup the stupid climax of the movie. But it was the first callback that actually made me angry. When Damian Lewis stops them from breaking down the door to ask the question "but what happens if we just bounce off?" It is the clumsiest setup imaginable. On a separate note I was pleased with the time they spent setting up Tim Olyphant as the fastest boy in the world. That had a big payoff.
  2. I found her to be the most confusing character in the movie. I know it was filled with goofy misdirects to try and disguise who the real bad guy is. But she was all over the place. And I really didn't understand why her go to move when Rose burst in asking for help was to try to sedate her against her will. She had that syringe ready to go. Is that what she does with any troublesome student?
  3. OK so if I understand this movie correctly their entire vampire society seems to flow directly from St. Vladimir. What he did was the basis for everything that they are and every time they go to church all they do is talk about him. But until Rose went and looked in some books that anyone has access to no one knew about his Spirit magic? What else do they not know about the foundation for everything they do?
  4. ChunkStyle

    Episode 144 - Stealth

    Caveat this is from the music I have on my phone not the full library. And no one will care about that because a few of these probably only EDI and I have downloaded anyway. 1. Signal to Noise - Frankel 2. Calendar Smack - The Capstan Shafts 3. Wheels to Ceiling - Loud Springs 4. Crows - Car Seat Headrest 5. Los Borrachos - Car Seat Headrest 6. Kahlil Gibran - STRFKR 7. Sounds - Earlimart 8. You Wanted A Hit - LCD Soundsystem 9. Spiral Eyes - Paw City 10. Anna - Will Butler
  5. ChunkStyle

    Episode 144 - Stealth

    Watching Stealth made me realize this afternoon that Josh Lucas does the voice over for Home Depot commercials. I just saw a commercial and thought wait a damn second, that is Lt. Ben Gannon trying to sell me some tile! Sample https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuqk3CyFzUA
  6. ChunkStyle

    Episode 144 - Stealth

    If I remember correctly the hired goon that he blows up after saying "Welcome to Alaska" said the same thing to him as they were getting him out of the cockpit following the crash landing. So Josh Lucas was echoing it back to him. Hired goon should have been given a last line of "It doesn't make sense when you say iiitttttt (trailing off)."
  7. ChunkStyle

    Episode 144 - Stealth

    I went the exact opposite way with it. I imagined Jamie Foxx telling them "You have got me for 7 days get what you can get and I'm out of here."
  8. ChunkStyle

    Episode 144 - Stealth

    I identified the real villain of the movie. The Chief of Naval Operations who is in charge of guiding the Navy's budget (according to a 2 second google search http://www.navy.mil/submit/display.asp?story_id=93038). He was obviously trying to be penny wise assigning only one person, Sam Shepard, to be in charge of two separate experimental aircraft programs at the same time. The Talon is so rare there are only 3 on Earth so obviously getting that program going is a full time job. And then he is made responsible for EDI too? The poor guy was probably working 90 hours a week and ended up committing suicide via voicemail. I can't believe Paul brought up all the apples but didn't mention the scene where Sam Shepard is essentially speaking through an apple while talking to Joe Morton. There is a lot of wasted time in this movie but was there any point at all in setting up Orbit as the eccentric rich genius? It felt like he must have had more of a story line that got cut.
  9. I found some footage of Sean at a party.
  10. ChunkStyle

    Episode 143 - Gods of Egypt

    If nothing else it would give him pause anytime he thought about shaving.
  11. ChunkStyle

    Episode 143 - Gods of Egypt

    This is an excellent decision. The movie's listed running time is 7,560 seconds. Of those there is literally 1 second that I am glad I saw.
  12. ChunkStyle

    Episode 143 - Gods of Egypt

    Of course by all current human standards this is an objectively bad movie. But then the movie showed Ra pulling the sun around the flat disc Earth and I realized this movie isn't for us. And it isn't for international audiences. It was made for ancient Egyptians. I don't know how they plan to get this movie back to 1500 BC but when they do they've got a blockbuster on their hands.
  13. ChunkStyle

    Episode 297 - She's a Talent

    Sean is a talent. What can you say? I liked that he kind of cracked the door on the Teaser Freezer with Nine Lives. Great episode.
  14. You just put your teeth in neutral and move them around. Why was Paul so confused? I'll throw in for those wanting to check out Robyn's music also check out his old band The Soft Boys. Underwater Moonlight is one of my all time favorite albums. Here is the title track.
  15. Remar seemed to treat his Sengh Brotherhood membership like a AAA membership. It didn't seem like he was ever acting in their interests.
  16. I am apparently on an island with this opinion but I was legitimately charmed by Zane's "we're having fun out here" Phantom performance. And I enjoy an enthusiastic villain. Treat William's scene eating was an added bonus. Not that either of those things were enough to add up to an actual good movie. When Remar and his gang are leaving the cave with the skull one of the henchmen drops the line "This place is giving me the creeps." That was said AFTER a skeleton came to life and choked his friend to death. In my experience you have moved past your initial "creep vibes" at that point. The Phantom somehow gets the call to spring into action to stop the skull robbers. But he appeared to be doing absolutely nothing at all prior to that. So I imagined this is how the Phantom spent his free time in the jungle. I loved that the two skulls showed the way to the 3rd skull by pointing to a map. If there was no map around would they have played charades to reveal the location? CZJ had the weirdest line in the movie. When Treat Williams tells his goons to go kill Kit she said "I claim the body when your're done." What the hell for? Is she a necrophiliac or does she have a Frankenstein hobby? If you ignore the voice over at the end of the movie I think it makes the most sense to imagine Ghost Dad as just a figment of Kit's imagination. No one else can see or hear him and he provides no new information until he tells Kit that Remar killed him. But he doesn't do that until after Kit has seen Remar wearing the belt. So Kit's subconscious could easily form that story on its own after he sees that. Because if you really can talk to your ghost ex-superhero dad it wouldn't come up in conversation once in six years how he was murdered? Also until all was revealed I figured Kit must be aging his vision of his Ghost Dad appropriately because there is no way he should have been Phantoming at that advanced age.
  17. Perhaps the most frustrating thing about this movie confusing everyone is that the solution was right there. The filmmakers already showed they weren't afraid to put in a text crawl ten minutes after the movie started. So why stop there? Five or six more of those placed judiciously throughout and we are all on the same page. Unconventional? Maybe. But what film critic could attack a device bringing clarity to the storytelling?
  18. 50% is Lamont's success rate in understanding when someone is telling him that they killed his master. The first conversation with Shiwan really didn't seem to land.
  19. And his polite insistence on paying for his bourbon was his downfall.
  20. That was purely out of self interest. Do you know how long it would take to rebuild that pneumatic tube network if that bomb went off?
  21. I would have liked a quick scene of Shiwan Khan tossing aside Genghis Khan's remains like trash as he is turning the sarcophagus into a shipping container. Because they couldn't let a good prop go to waste the sarcophagus shows up again as the cover for the escape chute that Shiwan Khan uses. But when he installed that did he have escape in mind? Or did he normally use it to toss his tapestries down to the laundry room? If the Shadow saw someone in danger who would be of no use to him in the future would he still save them? We don't have enough information from the movie to know.
  22. ChunkStyle

    Episode 294 - A Week for Solutions

    Yeah I don't think anyone is upset about anything. I loved hearing one of my favorites bands discussed on one of my favorite podcasts. PFT's exasperation over the name Car Seat Headrest was awesome.
  23. ChunkStyle

    Episode 294 - A Week for Solutions

    OK I'm going to need an example of a band name you don't like to get my bearings.
  24. ChunkStyle

    Episode 294 - A Week for Solutions

    Also I'd just like to put it out there that I think Leftover Salmon is a worse band name than Car Seat Headrest. Can anyone top that?
  25. ChunkStyle

    Episode 294 - A Week for Solutions

    I came to say the same thing. I won't say they are Summah songs and I can't defend the name but Car Seat Headrest is my favorite band going right now. I wish they could bottle and sell the feeling of having PFT on Who Charted. It is perfect.