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jack mahogov

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About jack mahogov

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  1. jack mahogov

    EPISODE 122 - Death Spa: LIVE!

    RE: Tiles Popping Off Walls is this the place to post corrections and omissions? oh well here it goes. According to the TCNA (Tile Council of North America) Handbook, AKA the Tilesetters bible, the correct installation of tile in a shower or steam shower setting includes something called EJ171, which says that there must be a soft expansion joint every 20-25 linear feet to allow for expansion, ro 10-12 linear feet in areas exposed to freeze thaw cycles, direct sunlight, or constant steam conditions, if this isn't followed you can run into problems because when structures flex, the tile does not, so it will just "pop" or become unbonded which would result in the tiles coming loose from their substrate. Obviously it wouldn't shoot out so rapidly but it would be a sudden delimitation of the tiles. Another issue could be if the tiles did not have enough coverage of thinset to the substrate, which is 90% surface area in a wet setting like a shower. If this is the case, the voids, or air pockets behind the tile will expand rapidly with heat and cause delamination, which is what ZOOKS mentioned in the episode. So in theory, its sort of possible. If I, as a tile setter by trade, took off tile to find perfectly clean surface underneath with little air hoses installed, and one behind the colored tiles, i would be suspicious as fuck. Good luck with that shit patrons of Starbody, whoever installed the tiles in this shower did not have a clue what they were doing.