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Everything posted by ChazFremontIII

  1. ChazFremontIII

    Never look a gift cat in the butthole.

    What about the cornhole?
  2. I like my women like I take my mashed potatoes; rustic and with a little gravy.
  3. Jose, can you see? Or should I ask them to sit down in front?
  4. Only I can prevent forest fires, Smoky? Christ, that’s a lot pressure to put on a ten year old!
  5. Note to self: probably not a good idea to ask, “What’s up Kemosabe?” when your buddy has just returned from his cancer treatments.
  6. As the Wise man once said, “Anybody want a potato chip?”
  7. Save the llama drama and go finish your brahma diorama before I give you a taste of the Yokohama trauma, Steve.
  8. Don’t cry for me Argentina. And stop laughing at me Finland!
  9. If the early bird gets the worm, then the late bird gets the wormhole, thereby making him the early bird...and that Timmy, is how the universe ends.
  10. I don’t know why she swallowed my fly; all she had to do was unzip it first.
  11. A good flan is hard to bind.
  12. Knick Knack Paddywack gave the dog a boner. This old man is on the ASPCA’s watchlist.
  13. Yes, I understand that bank tellers and fortune tellers perform vastly different jobs. Now where's the crystal ball you keep all the money in?
  14. Some people have said I can be a bit of a milquetoast every now and then, but I prefer to think I'm more of a two-percent bruschetta.
  15. I probably should have known things would go wrong, when I saw that the doctor's full name was Mel Practeese.