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Posts posted by AbeFroman

  1. Bumping this Fox News fever dream of a Chuck Norris film.


    It is hands down one of the most mean spirited action films ever. Not just for the disturbing coke scene but for the mass slaughter cold open.


    Please make it a double feature with another coked out Cannon Films shitshow, the majestic Death Wish 3.

  2. 6 replies and no mention of the scene in which characters play hot potato with a severed...ummm....."appendage." !!!!!!!!


    The entire podcast might be devoted to that scene alone.


    Caught this in high school after a late night party. My friends and I thought we had ingested very bad drugs. Or really good ones depending on your opinion of Street Trash.

  3. To a certain generation (first round of kids to have HBO in the early to mid 80s), this film is monumental. I stumbled across it on cable with a group of friends when we were 8 or 9 and our minds were literally blown.


    Revisiting it as an adult, it is beyond gross. A disgusting male fantasy that was inexplicably bankrolled and released by a major studio. In light of the recent developments in Hollywood, it would make for an incredible episode.

  4. Besides Broadcast News, is there a good James L. Brooks film?


    Terms of Endearment? Manipulative and overrated.

    I'll Do Anything? Legendary trainwreck.

    As Good As It Gets? Another meandering trainwreck in which no acts like a real human being.

    Spanglish? Good Lord, another mess.


    He might be a wonderful human being and mentor in the entertainment industry, but his track record in film is spotty at best.


    Also, his worst tendencies have influenced Judd Apatow and latter day Cameron Crowe.

  5. Just saw this pop up on HBO and watched it since first seeing it in cinemas back in 1995.....


    Wow, it is truly a straight up remake of The Road Warrior but set on the water. Almost beat for beat.

    Is there another example of a lavish Hollywood remake of a smaller, grittier genre film?


    Costner is wildly miscast; he is literally anti-charisma. Once again, Kurt Russell would have made this passable.


    Also, imagine building such elaborate sets for what was such a clear-cut turkey of a film? Literally everything would be green screen if this was made today.


    This must have an extended vacation for cast and crew as well as a tax shelter for Universal.


    Given the behind the scenes drama, Hopper scene chewing and Costner inertia, this would make a great episode.

  6. Bumping this one as the film just turned 20 and continues to improve with each passing year.


    Despite the presence of Spacey, the film is a pure masterclass in noir, adaptation of unwieldy source material and ensemble performances. It also remains highly re-watchable.


    LA Confidential seems to get lost in the conversation of great films from the 1990s and even 1997 (Boogie Nights, Good Will Hunting, Titanic, Jackie Brown, etc).


    For me, it is every bit the equal of Pulp Fiction, Goodfellas, Shawshank and the other "giants" from that decade.

  7. Please, please make this a priority in 2018 for the show. The very definition of bonkers.


    Coked out Van Damme

    Comic relief from Rob Schreinder

    Exploding Jeans

    Mortified Paul Sovino

    Baffled Lela Rachon

    Green explosions

    Rickshaw races


    It makes Double Team seem restrained. If another JCVD film is done, please make it this one....and then Sudden Death.

    • Like 1

  8. This is a slam dunk for The Canon.


    If They Live, another sci-fi satirical masterpiece is in, then Starship Troopers is 100% in.


    The film is literally lightning in a bottle and Verhoeven needs to be in the Canon.


    We will never see another auteur like him again and his work needs to be discussed more, especially in the post-truth Trump era. No other director in Hollywood was able to tweak genres and tropes like he did, but also make wildly popular escapist entertainment at the same time.


    Yes to Verhoeven, yes to the amazing Dina Meyer, yes to Casper Van Dien not knowing what film he is in and yes to the subversive anti-fascism that permeates the entire film.

  9. The whole thing reeks of "Quid Pro Quo" and indeed it was.


    Carpenter only signed on when Universal promised he could make his Creature from the Black Lagoon remake, but had to make this film first. I honestly doubt he left his trailer during filming.


    The Lagoon remake fell apart and Carpenter moved on to his next disaster, Escape From LA.


    Would make a great Halloween episode for the show.

  10. Jodi Foster doing Adam Sandler voices for two hours while Liam Neeson looks on in embarrassment.


    It's almost as if Foster said : "I'm so bulletproof that I can do a deranged version of Sandler's Cajun Man and still score an Oscar nomination."


    Sadly, the Academy took the bait.

  11. Peak Michael Mann vs. Oscar winning Jonathan Demme.


    Restrained Brian Cox vs. scenery chewing Anthony Hopkins.


    Haunted William Petersen vs. vulnerable Jodi Foster.


    In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida vs. Goodbye Horses.


    I'm pro Manhunter but would love to hear this broken down as both are stellar thrillers that still inform genre films today.


    • Like 1

  12. My friends and I were huge fans of the original growing up. We could not have been more excited for BHC 3 in the summer of 1994.


    Caught it opening weekend and we literally did not speak for the entire ride home. It was so awful we were speechless. And it was directed by John Landis!! Trading Places?! Coming to America?!


    It is only matched in its sheer perfunctory awfulness by another Eddie Murphy sequel, Another 48 Hours.

    • Like 1

  13. How about a few popular films to re-engage the audience?


    Namely two Eddie Murphy classics directed by John Landis. Both are have aged well and make some cogent satirical points about class in America that still resonate.


    Besides, in what other podcast could you hear Senator Al Franken, Jamie Lee Curtis. Sexual Chocalate and Soul Glo be discussed?

  14. Bumping this as Fred Ward needs some HDTGM recognition. Remo Williams was based on the popular Destroyer series of novels and was supposed to launch a franchise.


    I also just want to hear Jason talk about young Kate Mulgrew for an hour. A highly enjoyable relic from the 80s that would slot nicely into the Crank/Face Off/Con Air category.

  15. Speaking of Hyams/Van Damme jams, I highly recommend the two most recent "Universal Soldier" movies, "Regeneration" and "Day of Reckoning", which are directed by JOHN Hyams, the son of director Peter Hyams. They were essentially straight-to-video/VOD movies (at least here in the States) that look WAY better than they should.... The action is pretty sick and it looks like a Bourne movie. In "Day of Reckoning", JCVD has gone rogue and is more of a background character, leading a cult of sleeper UniSols, and it's up to Scott Adkins (whose family may or may not have been murdered by JCVD) to find him and put him down. It's sort of like "Apocalypse Now", but plays out like a conspiracy thriller/horror movie, while also featuring some sick, sick action. High recommends!


    Agreed 100%. The most recent Universal Soldier films are shockingly awesome. I hope John Hyams gets mainstream recognition and the budgets he deserves as he is one of the best action directors working today.


    Speaking of great DTV Van Damme, he made another film with Peter Hyams a few years ago called Enemies Closer that is a tight, well crafted little thriller. Van Damme is the villain and he chews scenery like crazy. It's the polar opposite of the stoic pretty boy he plays in Timecop.



    In short, Van Damme should only work with directors who last name is Hyams. And of course, John Woo.

  16. The lack of setup between Rourke and his friend is due to the film being gutted in post-production. The scars of the first act are visible in that first 10 minutes with the truncated setup of characters and the heist itself.


    After that, the film finds its footing and Rourke is truly fantastic. Walter Hill intended the film to be a throwback to noir films if the 30s and 40s.


    How wild is it that Rourke eventually started to look like the pre-surgical Johnny, especially in The Wrestler?

    • Like 1

  17. The second thing is related to the rules of time travel in this movie. Bobo Obama also told us that you can only travel BACK in time, because the future hasn't happened yet. So how do the time travel cars come back to their present time, if at the time of departure, the car's arrival back to present time hasn't happened yet? For example, if the time car leaves at 12 pm, presumably it can only come back to a time point before 12 pm, before departure, right? Well, that would create some problems, as both the past car and future car would be on the same track and you know what they say about the same matter existing in the same space...




    Roger Ebert brought this up in his original review as well. In the film's logic, when old Max Walker is in 1994 and returns to 2004, he is not going into the future, he is simply returning to the present. In the film, 2004 is the present and 1994 is the past. Therefore, old Max Walker could not have traveled into say, 2014 because that would be the future. Do not think about for more than 10 seconds, otherwise it collapses on itself.

    • Like 3

  18. The JCVD episodes never disappoint. This has to be one one of the best episodes in the history of the show.


    Maybe it's because JCVD's films are so batshit but yet so enjoyable that they are tailor made for this podcast.


    Or maybe it's just because I was saw all of these in the theatre and I'm reliving my youth.


    Would love for them to eventually do Sudden Death which Van Damme and Peter Hyams made immediately following this film. Another ridiculous but well crafted action film.

    • Like 1

  19. It's a little dated, but Johnny Handsome is an effective, underrated little noir from Walter Hill. Rourke is actually awesome in this and it was great to see Elizabeth McGovern cast against type. Also, it's always great to see Morgan Freeman in badass mode.

  20. There are several Coen films that are more worthy of Canon status than this one. It is no doubt a great film, but I was hoping Miller's Crossing would get the recognition from this podcast that it so richly deserves.


    Top 5 Coen Brothers:

    Miller's Crossing

    No Country


    Blood Simple

    Big Lebowski


    I wish I could get into Barton Fink but it just didn't work for me, aside from John Goodman and Michael Lerner.

  21. Given the number of Golan-Globus films already covered (Masters of the Universe, Apple, Bloodsport, Lifeforce, etc) in classic episodes as well as the numerous ones in the bad movie recommendations, the Cannon library could be mined for its own series.


    Just look at the number of Cannon ninja films alone that populate the Bad Movies recommendations. Also, anyone who has watched the fantastic Cannon documentary, Electric Boogaloo, knows that virtually every title that Golan and Globus cranked out in the 80s is tailor made for the HDTGM treatment.


    Death Wish 3? King Solomon's Mines? Invasion USA? Bolero? Breakin'? Breakin 2? Cyborg? There is literally a bottomless pit of comedy that would make for a fantastic podcast unto itself.
