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Cinco DeNio

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Posts posted by Cinco DeNio

  1. 20 hours ago, Cinco DeNio said:

    Time for my comments.  I found this movie several years ago.  I did a blanket search across several sites to find movie musicals to pick.  The description for this one sounded interesting, especially as an Oingo Boingo origin piece.  When I saw it I had much the same reaction as @Cameron H. did. It was disgusting, tasteless, yet interesting.  I honestly thought I might be kicked out of the group for picking this but I had to share the misery.

    There are a lot of odd things but I have watched it many times since.  It is now wearing off and will become a once-in-a-while watch.  If people want to see it for free please let me know.  I'm willing to Kast tonight or tomorrow night.

    Random thoughts:

    • Squeezit is shown to only be 11 years old in that memory where his mom calls him Chicken Boy.  (Joe Spinnell is the drunken sailor.  He's supposed to be famous but I've never heard of him.)  So that means everyone else in the movie from the classroom is also only 11?


    I looked him up and Joe Spinnell is Willi Cicci in the first two Godfather movies.  He would have been in the third movie but he passed away the year before filming started.



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  2. Time for my comments.  I found this movie several years ago.  I did a blanket search across several sites to find movie musicals to pick.  The description for this one sounded interesting, especially as an Oingo Boingo origin piece.  When I saw it I had much the same reaction as @Cameron H. did. It was disgusting, tasteless, yet interesting.  I honestly thought I might be kicked out of the group for picking this but I had to share the misery.

    There are a lot of odd things but I have watched it many times since.  It is now wearing off and will become a once-in-a-while watch.  If people want to see it for free please let me know.  I'm willing to Kast tonight or tomorrow night.

    Random thoughts:

    • The Witch's Egg song the queen sings is bonkers.  She talks about her dad and her search for love.  Yet she's been in the Sixth Dimension (SD) for 1,000 years!  Is this like Narnia where time is different?
    • Susan Tyrrell (the Queen) wrote the Witch's Egg song.
    • The ex-queen (Andy Warhol star Viva) calls the new queen "silicone-uddered".  When did the new queen get the implants?  It must have been 1,000 years ago in the SD before the ex-queen was sent to jail.  Once again the time frame is odd.
    • The jail the ex-queen is in seems awfully flimsy and no ceiling.  Couldn't she have climbed out by now?
    • The king has an autographed picture of Frenchy but how did he get it? By that I mean she's dressed differently in the picture than she is in the movie.  One could argue that she's wearing the black outfit under her robe.  I've seen the making-of featurette.  One of the outtakes is the new queen ripping open Frenchy's robe and sucking on her bare breast in an attempt to abuse Frenchy.  So the black outfit appears and disappears.
    • I like the human chandelier but he seems to have quite the boner when he's turned into a skeleton.  Also, does that mean the king and queen were making love so long that the chandelier eventually became a skeleton?
    • I can't stand the Kipper Kids in any of their appearances.  They just do the same thing over and over, while wearing jockstraps or boxing shorts.  They are also the kids in the school with their noses pulled back via a rubber band.  I found out they have an appearance in the movie UHF but I don't know what it is.  YouTube has some outtakes of theirs that didn't make it into the movie.
    • The Yiddishe Charleston (and everything Yiddish in this movie) is so bad the queen killed the singer!  (I think that was the director singing it but am not sure.  The red hair gives him away.)
    • Everyone in this movie was committed.  Most kicked their checks back into the production.  Herve Villechaize came over on weekends and helped paint sets.  He was an accomplished painter in real life.  The picture he's painting in the movie isn't his but he was a good painter.
    • Herve was in this because of Susan Tyrrell (the Queen and the bartender in Rockula).  They had dated previously IRL but no longer were.  However she got him to play the king and you saw their lovemaking and chemistry.
    • Squeezit Henderson is a big fat snitch!
    • Squeezit is shown to only be 11 years old in that memory where his mom calls him Chicken Boy.  (Joe Spinnell is the drunken sailor.  He's supposed to be famous but I've never heard of him.)  So that means everyone else in the movie from the classroom is also only 11?


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  3. 17 hours ago, Cameron H. said:

    But seriously, I had a massive migraine yesterday and couldn't start watching this until last night. I just finished it. Honestly, I'm not too sure what to think of it. Let's see if I can work it out.

    My prevailing feeling is one of nausea. Like, the whole thing is gross. Not just with the sexism and racism, but just everything about it turned my stomach. However, I think this was absolutely the type of visceral reaction they were hoping for, so, like Mission Accomplished?

    It felt very student art filmy. Very punk rocky. very John Waters-y. But, without the deftness of any of those things, and kind of fails at everything it is trying to do. Like, if I look at it at a Comedy, I don't think it's very funny. If I look at it as a Musical, *most* of the numbers are intentionally terrible. It also misses me as an Art Film as it seems to lack a point beyond lets be as offensive as we can be. I mean, there's a word for people like that, and it's "asshole." So...the movie is kind of a big asshole.

    Again, I feel like that was very much the intention of the film, so I guess it succeeds. In a weird way, I'm glad I saw it. It's definitely not something I would have ever picked for myself, I hadn't even heard of it before, and that's what I like about Musical Mondays. It forces me to go outside of my comfort zone. That being said, I would neve want to watch this ever again. It is pretty fucking distasteful -- lol.  

    Umm, you skipped the biggest question.  Did you like Peco & Sepulveda? 😄

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