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Everything posted by tomspanks

  1. In the same scene, I also loved this line from Lenny:
  2. In my head, Chad thinks that breaking his arm was the best thing that happened to him because it led to meeting the love of his life.
  3. Regarding TB Player - Ethan Embry was only 17! Before filming began, the actors trained on their various instruments separately and then got together to practice as a band. The first band practice session was on Halloween and Ethan Embry showed up in a dress, lol. He seems like a lovable goof.
  4. According to this article, the liner notes from the soundtrack says: Jimmy Mattingly ended up recording a hit song called β€œShe Knows It” (heard over the closing credits) for The Heardsman, and became a producer for Play-Tone artists. Mr. White was promoted to president of the Play-Tone label.
  5. I'm pretty sure this was cut from the theatrical version. In the beginning, Guy and Tina bump into each other on the road and they go back to Guy's apartment to make out. Spartacus is playing on tv in the background and Guy does the "I am Spartacus" line and Tina goes crazy for it.
  6. tomspanks

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 12 (SaraK's Pick)

    Watch the theatrical version first. If you like that, then watch the extended version. No point sitting through the extra 40 minutes if you don't care for the shorter version.
  7. tomspanks

    Episode 163 - The Running Man

    ^I took the quiz now and also got robot, which is surprising, because I'm not sensitive to colors at all. Or maybe I have a kickass computer screen!
  8. tomspanks

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 12 (SaraK's Pick)

    Do you have his typewriter app?
  9. tomspanks

    Episode 163 - The Running Man

    I didn't even catch that. Changes the meaning a little bit, lol.
  10. tomspanks

    Episode 163 - The Running Man

    LOL @ this Man Vs Child review
  11. tomspanks

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 12 (SaraK's Pick)

    I love Tom Hanks so much. Even in "bad" movies, he never phones it in.
  12. tomspanks

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 12 (SaraK's Pick)

  13. tomspanks

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 12 (SaraK's Pick)

    We talked about it before and IIRC it was judged to be a musical.
  14. tomspanks

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 12 (SaraK's Pick)

    Everyone watch both versions. WORTH IT
  15. tomspanks

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 12 (SaraK's Pick)

    Yes! Love this pick. We're watching the special edition/directors cut version right?
  16. tomspanks

    Episode 163 - The Running Man

    I thought it was fucked up that they changed Amber's Running Man uniform because she's a woman. They gave her a scoop neck since it's sexier, I assume? Well, that sucks for her, because that's less material covering her skin. As seen below, Arnold received a wound on his chest, which would've been worse for Amber. By the way, that wound on Arnie keeps appearing and disappearing out of order throughout the Subzero scene.
  17. tomspanks

    Episode 163 - The Running Man

    Unless he's referring to temperature and is saying that he's less "cool" now that he's dead?
  18. tomspanks

    Episode 163 - The Running Man

    Not only that, but she bolted it right in front of the tv. So if she wants to watch tv, she can't even move the contraption out of the way. Maybe because his hair had a sort of buzz cut?
  19. But then why does it say "BEATT..." on the side of the bottle?
  20. Are you going to die from it rat now?
  21. Hmm...maybe the mice should've lured the cats to the train tracks and have them run over.
  22. Yes, I think they timed it so that the cats would get onto the Hong Kong right at the departure time. In earlier scenes, the Hong Kong was shown docked.
  23. Lol, no, I mean from the cats' perspective, they jumped in without knowing that there would be a deus ex meowchina. The mice knew that the anchor would be going up at that precise moment.