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Everything posted by LesterPipps

  1. LesterPipps

    My name is Paul F Tompkins

    Shaun this is the BEST one
  2. LesterPipps

    From the people who brought you tax evasion

    Shaun this is a good one
  3. Lie to me scott, tell me you're not scott
  4. LesterPipps

    Birds, Then Plugs

    Yeah that couldn't have gone better!
  5. LesterPipps

    Where Is the Plug Bag?

    Not sure why this disappeared good thing I checked back in you need to hear this great music Mr. Aukerman.
  6. LesterPipps

    Birds, Then Plugs

    you're correct this was instructional. Fantastic!
  7. The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in doing sex