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Pugfugly Ate He Fore

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Everything posted by Pugfugly Ate He Fore

  1. Go hang a salami, i'm a lasagna hog!
  3. Ohana means family, and family means the basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing their children.
  4. Pugfugly Ate He Fore

    Chill your Phyllis Dills man!

    Chill your Phyllis Dills man!
  5. Belch a song of six burps, a belly full of decomposing food.
  6. Venus flytrap? More like penis thigh-gap.
  7. ...and your winner for the cutest animal named after one of the seven deadly sins for 2019 is....SLOTH! Better luck next year envy.
  8. Who would Fardels bear? Better question; who is Fardel, and why does he even have a bear?
  9. This week's episode brought to you by Chewbacca Brand Children's Chewable Vitamins. Chewbacca Brand...giving kids the strength to rip other kids' arms off since 1976!
  10. This week's episode brought to you by the Butter Business Bureau. Butter...see what churns up!
  11. How much todd could Chuck Todd chuck? Because Chuck Todd looks like a large rodent.
  12. "Outside of a streaming series, the podcast is man's best content. Inside of a podcast, you'll most likely hear PFT." - Shemp Howard
  13. Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can. That's The Exorcist code!
  14. Pugfugly Ate He Fore

    Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can. That's The Exorcist code!

    I finally got banged!
  15. How many tons of Toyota Tacomas could Yoda wash in Tacoma, Washington?
  16. Twelve little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Momma called the Doctor and the Doctor said, "Ma'am...there's no easy way to say this, but i'm afraid the cancer has spread, and you have less than a year to live. I'm so sorry."
  17. Fondling makes the part grow longer.
  18. Pugfugly Ate He Fore

    Fondling makes the part grow longer.

    Shoot, this would have better if it was "Longing makes the heart grow fonder, but fondling makes the part grow longer."
  19. Please excuse my dear aunt Sally. She farted.