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Everything posted by hahmstrung

  1. hahmstrung

    Unghouled Suggestions

    I really wish the first Evil Dead was a choice instead of 2. One aspect of the series I find interesting is how they soft-retcon a little bit of the story in each sequel and newcomers to the series will be missing out if they jump right into 2. Pairing one and 2 for one episode would've been great especially considering how short each is.
  2. hahmstrung

    Stand and Deliver

    I remember seeing this in school and being surprised then that it was actually a pretty good film. I haven't seen it since but I thought it held up very well. I agree that the personal stories weren't especially interesting. They're just there for the sake of showing us that they all have their own problems, but it's all pretty surface level. I voted no to sending it to space but now I'm having second thoughts on what the space pod should represent. If it's meant to be a reflection of humanity then maybe most or all of these films should be included. If it's a list of personal favorites, then this film falls short though I'd still recommend anyone to see it.
  3. hahmstrung

    Mean Girls

    I voted no. It was my first time seeing the film and I thought it was fine. None of the gags really did much for me, but that might be an effect of seeing so much of this style of humor already, specifically from Fey; I felt like I had seen all these jokes a million times before. The film also does that Tina Fey thing of using some stereotypes and tropes ironically while at the same time unironically reinforcing others. Some of that stuff just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I thought the acting was pretty strong overall, especially among Lohan and the Mean Girls. They all had good comedic timing, just the material was mostly bland.
  4. hahmstrung

    Coming of Age #BackToUnspooled

    Rushmore continues to be my favorite Anderson film and one of my favorite films in general. I still have yet to see Fantastic Mr. Fox and Isle of Dogs, but of rest of his films I'd say that Life Aquatic was my least favorite. I actually did not like it much which was pretty disappointing since on paper it's got so much that I should love. I don't know why but it just didn't click with me, though it may be one of those films where on a rewatch it would for some magical reason. Anyway, Rushmore was actually the first film that popped into my head when I first read about the coming-of-age/back-to-school theme. The film, for better or worse, really was an influence on me when I was coming-of-age myself. I was 15 when I first saw it in 2000 and shared many traits with Max such as being in the theater and caring more about extra-curricular activities than my actual schoolwork. I even ended up taking Latin in high school because of this film, which sounds so silly now that I'm typing it out . And since Ghibli films were brought up, I'd like to suggest Kiki's Delivery Service. It's such a lovely and positive film and it would be nice to have an animated film on the list. It doesn't hurt that it's foreign and has a girl protagonist, either!
  5. hahmstrung

    Upcoming Episodes

    FYI, A Streetcar Named Desire, along with many other films on the list, is available to stream on HBO Max. If you subscribe to HBO or HBO Go you probably have access to Max at no extra charge.
  6. hahmstrung

    What's your rankings in this "home stretch?"

    I thought it was a genuinely terrible film save for a couple of the dances. The minstrel scene was just the awful icing on the cake.
  7. hahmstrung

    Bridge On The River Kwai

    When Amy said that there was an 80's movie that made the Colonel Bogey March popular for our generation this was my first thought:
  8. hahmstrung

    Bridge On The River Kwai

    This was another hard one but I think I'll have to vote 'no.' I really liked the prison camp plot line but I felt the movie spent way too much time on Shears' journey back to the bridge. I actually enjoyed the bits at the hospital before they headed out including the little bit about Shears taking on a higher ranking officer's identity and all the little comedic moments regarding his lack of training ("with or without a parachute?"). But I could have done without most of their trek save for the one conversation about 'leaving no man behind' (paraphrasing). Everything with Alec Guinness was great and the final series of events following Shears and crew's arrival at the bridge were so tense and really brought me back into the film after that boring traipse through the jungle. I also wondered if the Joyce character was an inspiration for Upham in Saving Private Ryan as they both had very similar story lines, save for their respective final moments. Ultimately, I voted no because, though I enjoyed the majority of the film, the lows really brought it down for me and, in general, I feel like any film included on this list should have something really special about them, and I don't know that I can say that about 'Bridge.' Really good but not great enough. Definitely would replace this with Planet of the Apes. Really great episode of the podcast! Loved all the stories they had about the making of the film. I also agree with Amy that David Lynch deserves to be on this list in some fashion.
  9. hahmstrung

    What's your rankings in this "home stretch?"

    I'm pretty far behind as I've only seen 65 movies so far (not counting films I've seen before but haven't seen since I started listening to the podcast) so my list will probably be a little different when I finish. Out of the films I've seen thus far, my five highest rated are (in alphabetical order): 2001: A Space Odyssey Apocalypse Now Citizen Kane Do the Right Thing Schindler's List Out of the next highest rating the next five (also alphabetical order): Chinatown A Clockwork Orange Pulp Fiction Raiders of the Lost Ark Taxi Driver It was extremely hard to choose just 5 from that pool of films. This is just how I'm feeling at the moment. Definitely will have to reevaluate once I've seen all 100. So far my bottom ten would be (you guessed it, alphabetical order): The African Queen The French Connection It's a Wonderful Life M*A*S*H Mr. Smith Goes to Washington The Searchers Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Some Like It Hot Swing Time Tootsie I did not take into account what I thought were "historically important" films. The list would be pretty different if I did. Here's a link to My Letterboxd List in case anyone would like to see it but, keep in mind it took me a while to settle on how hard/forgiving I was with ratings so there may be some movies I'd give half a star more or less to if I were to rate them again. EDIT: OK, I took the time to actually rank them in the list linked in the above paragraph. I'm at a paltry 66 films so far. I really hope I can catch up before the podcast reaches 100.
  10. hahmstrung


    This was a pretty frustrating episode to listen to. I love hearing opposing viewpoints as it makes me think critically about why I personally may like or dislike something, but the complaints Amy had for Goodfellas felt so off-base and nit-picky that I wasn't sure if she was doing a bit or not half the time. Briefly, regarding Henry's love of cooking seemingly coming out of nowhere, I agree with Paul in that I don't think we need a scene that establishes his love of sauces or cooking for it to "make sense" that he is cooking at the end of the film. As was stated in an earlier post, that completely misses the point of the scene and how it's intentionally manic because he's high on coke. That being said, they totally do establish his love (or at least knowledge/interest) of cooking (and specifically sauces) during that first scene in the prison when they are having dinner. The scene opens on Paulie thinly slicing garlic with a razor as Henry's narration explains that this "very good system" allows the garlic to liquefy with a little bit of oil. He then complains that Vinny uses too many onions in the sauce he cooks, though it's still very good. The scene is a full minute of Henry talking about and critiquing cooking. Now, for my experience: I first saw Goodfellas when I was a teenager and had dismissed it as a typical gangster film that glorifies being in the mob. I realized during this rewatch just how wrong I was and I ended up, surprisingly, loving this film. I think there are maybe 2 or 3 instances that briefly show some benefits to the mob life such as having the mail man roughed up or the aforementioned dinner privileges at the prison. But for every seeming benefit there are half-a-dozen horrors tipping the scale back: Dealing with psychotic men like Tommy who have no qualms about killing anybody for almost anything; the creeping realization that the whole "family" thing is BS and that ANYONE may turn their back on you or kill you for any reason; the ever-looming risk of going to jail; having to bury bodies; the list goes on and on. This time around I did not feel like it glorified the life at all. Much like Fight Club or The Sopranos I'm shocked by how many people watched this film and thought "yeah, that's so badass, I wanna be like that." You'd have to completely ignore the messages of these films/shows to think that Tyler Durden or Tony Soprano were people to idolize or that the mafia was a cool organization to join. All that said, while I ended up loving this film so much more than I thought I would, I have to admit that there are a handful of Scorsese films that I think deserve spots on the AFI top 100 above this. I find Scorsese's films that deal with faith and religion to be so much more interesting and thought-provoking than any of his mob films (haven't seen Casino, though) so I would gladly take Kundun, The Last Temptation of Christ or Silence before Goodfellas any day of the week. I still voted to keep it on the list as I think it's a vastly superior to 90% of the other films currently on the AFI Top 100.
  11. hahmstrung

    Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout The Ages

    Thank you for this information! I noticed the discrepancy between the listing and actual runtime on Prime a few weeks ago and didn't watch it. Definitely going to watch on Kanopy before listening to the podcast episode!
  12. hahmstrung


    Hey everyone! Been listening to the podcast for a while and have been a lurker here. I thought I'd finally make an account! I thought this movie was awful. Unlike the show, where Hawkeye and his buddy were more like jolly pranksters who looked after the rest of the crew when things got serious, the characters in the movie are just sadistic assholes. The movie just assumes that you already think these guys are hot shit and you're, seemingly, supposed to be rooting for them when they do horrible things. While watching I couldn't help but think of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: a show I love. The premise isn't so dissimilar: both are about a group of horrible people doing horrible things. The difference being that in Sunny the show clearly thinks that the main characters are buffoons while MASH (the film) thinks its characters are awesome. It's supposed to be hilarious how they sexually assault Houlihan, how Hawkeye gets Burns arrested because he's "annoyingly" religious, that one character decides to commit suicide after coming to the conclusion that he's gay. If any of this was meant to be ironic the tone of the film completely betrays it. When Hawkeye and friend go to Japan, you're supposed to think how cool it is that they just walk into the hospital and subvert authority because hey, they were the only ones who could save that kid, right? When the officer in charge threatens to arrest them for their egregious behavior their response is to knock him out, fake him having an affair with a prostitute and blackmail him with photos of it. HILARIOUS! I will say that I the operating room scenes were actually really good. Like Amy and Paul I liked how matter-of-fact they were. I also really liked that shot towards the end where everyone is gathered around a table chatting while the camera focuses on a dead body being transported away. That really worked for me and I think that was the tone the movie was aiming for all along, something that the show did so much better week to week. So, yeah, big NO for me as to whether this should be on the AFI list or not. This may have been the least enjoyable film yet for me.