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Everything posted by jakefogelnest

  1. jakefogelnest

    Earwolf Radio

    Hey all, So we have this little thing we've put up called Earwolf Radio. You can access it here: http://www.earwolf.com/radio As of today, you'll be able to tune in to a stream of our most current programming every day. At midnight when new podcasts are released, they will also start playing on our stream. We've also put in some stuff from the archives to fill out the day. We will eventually be able to bring you LIVE programming with this thing and we're going to start testing that out when you least expect it. We'll give you a heads up on social media and whatnot! Anyway, it's a radio stream and it's up now. And we can kinda do whatever we want with it. So, what should we do with it?! I thought it might be fun to brainstorm here and see what you guys might dig from a non-stop 24/7 Earwolf stream. Are their particular things from the archives you'd like to hear? Themes of programming? It's just an experiment right now, but we can see where it grows. YES, I AM OFFICIALLY STARTING A THREAD FOR US TO DO SOMETHING WITH THIS EARWOLF RADIO THING WE HAVE.
  2. jakefogelnest

    Submit clips here!

    Saving Old Skull for Scharpling's episode! I will get to all of this stuff! Please keep it coming!
  3. Yeah, the "Sgt. Pepper" commentary track is going to be epic! Can't wait for us all to get in a room to get that done. Never saw "Joey & Dad" but if anyone can track it down, it's Rachel!
  4. You may not review a Sublime album on my iTunes profile.
  5. Thankfully, Chris' activities have greatly decreased in the last year. In fact, he uploaded no videos throughout 2012. When he was very active, you could lose HOURS following his saga. Visit http://www.sonichu.com at your own risk!
  6. Bryant Gumbel is a character both Neil LaBute and Bret Easton Ellis would find "too sympathetic."
  7. jakefogelnest

    Best books on the comedy industry?

    The Bernie Brillstein autobiography, "You're No One In Hollywood Unless Someone Wants You Dead: Where Did I Go Right?" is about as good a comedy showbiz bio as it gets.
  8. Unfortunately yes, there are videos. [media=''] [/media]
  9. Yes! Here it is: http://www.laweekly.com/1999-06-10/news/forever-fabulous/
  10. Man, that would be a real coup for him!
  11. Glad you guys dig this week's show! Hey, I wonder what JOHN WAYNE would sound like if he posted this message? I think it would go a little something like this: Glad you guys dig this week's show, partner!
  12. Just a heads up, the next live show at UCB in Los Angeles is Thursday, December 27th. As previously mentioned, Megan Amram and Danny Zuker will be on the show, but I just added Billy Eichner! TICKETS!!!
  13. Sorry, playlist is up now on YouTube!
  14. Hey! Just a reminder, we're going to start putting out the show on Thursday now instead of Tuesday. However, I just put up the latest YouTube playlist for the next episode if you want to watch ahead! http://www.youtube.com/thefogelnestfiles
  15. Yup! Here's John talking about it... [media=''] [/media]
  16. jakefogelnest

    Submit clips here!

    I have been looking for this episode forever. I knew there was a guy painted blue and there was LSD involved and I knew it was Dragnet, but the rest was hazy! God this is good!
  17. jakefogelnest

    Episode 17 — CBB Nativity Pageant Special

    If you see me again please say hello! Always say hello! P.S. my wife
  18. You guys, don't upset Picklefucker!!
  19. I did not have time to get to this! There was too much to discuss. It will have to wait for another show! Dave Koechner joined Colin, Paul and I tonight which was a blast! The episode will be out Tuesday. Have to get Jensen in on Shots Fired for sure.
  20. Hey BillBrasky2620! I'm just putting together stuff for tonight's LIVE show at UCB and I came across your name having left a review for Sparks' "Kimono My House" in the iTunes section for the podcast. That made me laugh really hard! It inspired me to pull Sparks on SNL for tonight! There are still some tickets left for the show for people that are in LA: http://losangeles.ucbtheatre.com/shows/view/3201 COLIN HANKS and PAUL SCHEER are the guests. And we have a special guest dropping in!