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Gym Sockerman

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Posts posted by Gym Sockerman


    Nah I haven't listened to any Bear Down yet. I'd like to run through it all, but I haven't gotten around to it. Which episodes?


    Leonard is hilarious. I love the first episode of UCB with Lunatic and Leonard. "I'm going to play wiffle ball with my friend Tommy. I'm going to be Ken Griffey Jr."


    There's still a weird realmedia file of Leonard interviewing people on the street (in what I believe is Chicago) on one of the UCB sites. You can download it and it's like 6 minutes long.


    Aw, Jesus Leonard, that kid's nine years old!


    Can't remember exactly which Bear Down Leonard is on, definitely made it into one of the Best of the year type wrap ups.

  2. As much as I want Howard to better himself, I never want him to be free of the Clench. It's way too entertaining.


    And I'm not sure if that Mercy cover counts as a cover being that it's note for note the same. Even the vocal inflections are just straight up thefts.


    Kulap Vi-iolence. I bet she beats Scott.

  3. I love how often Brett Easton Ellis gets brought up on this show. I think Jake and I are maybe coming to the same realizations about him. For decades it seemed like he was kind of in on the joke--so to speak--about his characters. But more and more it seems like he actually likes these pieces of human garbage.

    That being said, as an author, I still think he's kind of a genius.


    Fucking love me some Fogelnest Files.

  4. I actually had to stop this one at around 9 minutes. I will listen to the rest later, but so far, I am quite dismayed.


    I've congratulated friends and strangers on the most trivial of things; non ironically. For instance, an acquaintance just had her neck brace removed. Trivial for sure, but heartening to see, nonetheless.


    Are people so jaded that a hastily communicated positive response to a positive occurrence makes a person an asshole? "Congrats on [this positive thing]." "Nope, I need more validation."


    I was once told that the highest form of selfishness is not accepting a compliment. Why in the world would you not believe in other's genuine good will for you? Why would you ever want to disdain it as false? No matter if it is friend or stranger.


    (I'm about to get killed for this.)


    I wonder if this isn't just some LA thing. If I lived in California I imagine that I'd be directing my anger at inconsequential shit too because I wouldn't have to deal with any of the other bullshit that comes with living in a flyover state.

  5. Yay! I'm a Sascha fan. She definitely in my top five.


    And in regards to David's Homogun scenario:


    I think the case Kyle was talking about was where a guy took a railroad spike to the--i thiiiiiiiiink--hippocampus, Whatever area it was, it has some direct correlation to regulating emotions. I think love and attraction are a little more nebulous. There are so many things that go into attraction, it's not just controlled by an area of the brain. Biology plays a part, genetics probably do as well, and maybe even environment. I don't think there's anyway to control it and it would take more than a spike to the head to change someone's sexuality.

    I'm kind of interested in the subject, but I think at a societal level, we should definitely be on the Tig train of who the fuck cares? Just let everyone be however they are.

  6. I can see everyone's points, but I guess I always just saw those "comedian to comedian congrats" tweets as like humblepromotes. Just a public way of congratulating your friend as well as introducing your followers to someone that you respect and think they should pay attention to.


    Just started listening to the call...this guy sounds like he's like 16. Already cringing. This should be good.

  7. Please don't do an episode devoted to Kulap hooking up with a stripper. If it can comedically work into a story then please go right ahead, but I can't think of anything more frat boy than listening to a 30 minute story about two drunk girls making out. But if you are going to do it, at least have the decency to invite Chris Gore back for it. I'm sure he'd dig it.

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