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Status Updates posted by ChaseRoper

  1. PLease let me get this timed Biology quiz done before the wind knocks my power out. . . internet has reset on me twice now. ;(

  2. I'm standing in the 100 Year Line at a Walmart. Had to grab a couple things before I boycott them on Friday.

  3. I hijacked this bar's jukebox from my iPhone. Lots of dubstep and Vanilla Ice happening. Small crowd around machine trying to figure it out.

  4. Tomorrow I am going to drink all of the egg nog.

  5. Rage Against Florence and the Machine. Pass it on.

  6. Happy thanksgiving and good morning from The Ropers! http://t.co/9NdTENU0

  7. Wish me luck explaining podcasts to my relatives again today. #HappyThanksgiving

  8. Getting ready to leave and I just needed to announce to Facebook how extremely gorgeous my wife looks. I'm a very lucky guy! It's going to be a good Thanksgiving

  9. Mother-in-Law refuses to come down stairs. Says don't let kids upstairs (where the playroom is). #HappyThanksgiving!

  10. Photo: Iā€™m on the front page reddit right now. You know, no biggie. http://t.co/DEnver4n

  11. My wife gets two days out of the week that she can sleep past 6:30am and my kids never seem to give a shit and its making me want to punch myself in the face. How's your morning going?

  12. Anonymous asked: Did you kill those three children in their sleep. http://t.co/twrZCSYn

  13. Looks like the president wants to take our relationship to the next level. http://t.co/CrOYJFXc

  14. Mmmm, big plate of soggy nachos. Stupid restaurant. Now I'm probably a xenophobe. http://t.co/DEld7r7c

  15. Getting ready for coffee with the principal this morning. I will be the only dad there without a wife who made him come. #sahd

  16. Christmas cookie chaos!

  17. .@BookShout @drgarychapman @chrisfabry I can't wait for their follow up - "How the Gays Stole Christmas."

  18. Why isn't Rothlesberger playing? Did he tear his rape muscle? #steelers #nfl

  19. This Christmas I am going to make a gingerbread fiscal cliff*. * a thing a I don't understand.

  20. From now on, I shall refer to Ben & Jerry's ice cream as Blow & Jobby's ice cream. Someone should just take away twitter.

  21. Abraham Lincoln: Native American Genocide Authorizer #moreaccuratelyhistoricalmovietitle

  22. . @WillFerrel's favorite coffee is the @starbucks Caramel Robert Goulet Latte.

  23. New podcast episode is up. Listen to @ScottAukerman get Stay at Homed! http://t.co/NAL5xDUj
