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Posts posted by Henry

  1. Why weren't they pronouncing the h in herbs? Is this some sort of joke I'm missing?


    I think they're saying "urb", like it's a cool new way to abbreviate "urban" and they're talking about their urban gardens and they have 4 of them and one of them is dill. I don't get the last part, but I'm not a gardener

    • Like 9

  2. Denial






    Caricature artist

    Old guy

    Lived in all 50 States

    Every good boy deserves fudge

    Pen, he uses a pen

    Executed his wife with that pen

    Reardon was drawn holding ice cream

    Sounds like Homer Simpson's weird brother

    Over the log flume he jumped

    Nevermind, I can't think of one for N

    • Like 11

  3. I'm a little upset now. "Curds and Cheerios" made me laugh in the middle of a healthy swig of coffee and some of it ended up in my sinuses. You'd better get a good lawyer, Fourvel! >: (


    Edit: I take it back, poor kid's got enough problems. I'll go ahead and remove those angry eyebrows : (

    • Like 1

  4. It would be cool if someone started a Facebook page called "I F@#king Love Weird Science". And then they usually just post fun facts or funny pictures that loosely relate to the movie, but people can still follow and like their posts so that they can feel like they relate to true Weird Science fans.


    P.s. I censored myself because I don't use swears


    P.p.s. Burn on "I F@#king love science" posers :b

    • Like 6

  5. A little while back I posted a funny comment about Dimetapp. We all remember it because it was a big hit. Well, just now I wrote a full blown joke about Dimetapp. It's in the style of observation/Seinfeld


    Isn't it weird that Dimetapp grape flavored medicine taste yummy, but wine made from grapes tastes like medicine? What is the deal with that?

    • Like 5

  6. Here's this week's gas station snack food review.


    Sabritones® Chile & Lime Flavored Puffed Wheat Snacks by Frito Lay




    The packaging is exciting and the picture of the smiling boy gives the impression of fun and enjoyment. The name, colors used, and flavor palette advertised reminds one of Mexico, and since I love Mexican food I figured these would be a slam dunk. However, the taste could be best described as sour taco seasoning and salt. A huge problem is that taco seasoning is already salty so adding more salt flavor results in being super duper mega salty. Not a good idea, Frito. As far as pros go, this product truly was "$2 only" just as advertised. Overall, it seems like the intentions of Frito Lay were admirable. Providing an affordable vegan alternative to bagged chicharrónes (or fried pork skins). Unfortunately, in execution the product falls flat on its butt and its butt landed on my tongue. Hasta la vista, Sabritones®. I won't be back

    • Like 14

  7. So, how about all this "Squall is dead" b.s.? Uh, yeah, they made a massively complex Final Fantasy game where 3 out of 4 discs were an illusion, and it was just some completely pointless St Elsewhere crap. Come on, get real.


    (This is a post that only 90s kids, and maybe some younger kids will get. Along with some older kids (and even at that it depends on if they're cool enough to have spent time watching videos about alternative video game theories on YouTube (and I only really know the St. Elsewhere thing as a reference, so the "getting" factor on that one is probably not at all connected to being a 90s kid))).

    • Like 3


    Tim Heidecker and Gregg Turkington would be great guests, either individually or together. It would be cool to get some inside info on Decker.


    Ideally Gregg should be there as a voice of reason in case Tim's ego begins to clash with the boys. This podcast is intended to be nice and polite, but if Tim comes in with his big shot Hollywood persona, things could take a turn in the rude direction. But yeah, either one would be great!

    • Like 3

  9. I was playing internet on www.youtube.com and remembered this




    Which reminded me of this sentiment that I agree with


    I would love to see Tim Heidecker going toe to toe with S & H!


    Mr. Scharpling, can you please talk to Sean and Hayes and try to convince them make some arrangements with Tim to let him be on the show? I would have a good time listening to something like that.

    • Like 7

  10. that was the best moment in the whole show

    EDIT: sorry for unfunny response to your funny post


    It's cool, I'll step out of the funny zone for a second and say that I actually thought it was a good moment too.




    this also conjured an image in my head of a fat hairy man rolling the goo balls on his belly in a parking lot


    Tom was considering a career change to someone who ripped off Phish fans in parking lots)


    I just listened to that Analyze Phish episode and nothing like that image in my head gets mentioned. It makes me worried that my brain may have subconsciously called Tom a fat hairy man, but that's impossible because I'm cool and nice and I like Tom. I'm going to have to go power listen to some more episodes to track that image down.

    • Like 3