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Posts posted by Jefro

  1. This was a fantastic episode - Eddie did a great job with his character and Patton really, really does shine in his inquisitive role. I didn't even realize until the end that no games were played - they're often my favorite parts of the episodes, but the whole conversation was so entertaining that I didn't feel I missed out on a Would You Rather? or a What Am I Thinking? The Pepitone talk at the end was really funny, especially just wondering how long they could keep it going in front of him.

  2. This is definitely one of my all-time favorite episodes. I sincerely hope Womp It Up comes to Earwolf and I can't wait to hear Todd's new podcast, especially if he takes some time to discuss serious topics - he always has a fascinating perspective on things he's passionate about. And great job with the Would You Rather? scenarios, especially when it seemed like Scott was going to play them on face value... your kids die horribly, or you LOVE your Waffle House job.

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