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About AndyDrew

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  1. AndyDrew

    Guests you want to see on Sklarbro Country

    I would LOVE to hear Jason Elam and Tim Tebow. They could discuss sports and their writing careers.
  2. AndyDrew

    Passing through the Hendersons...

    Sweet action. Haven't found too many listeners down here. We are getting word out as best we can though. ---HENDERSON!
  3. Hola fellow relaxers on the calming shores. My wife and I recently made a 16 hour trip from Houston, TX to Bella Vista, AR and back again and caught ourselves up on back episodes of the podcast. Driving back to Houston we made a stop in a quaint little town of Henderson (!!!!), TX. My question to everyone else is, have you passed through a Henderson lately and what was your impression? For us this little town became a must to stop and see, although besides sharing the most awesome name ever, has no affiliation with the Sklars whatsoever. Have you found yourselves crossing into Henderson and having to stop, or do we have a case of Henderson-itis? [attachment=985,35]
  4. AndyDrew

