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Everything posted by Haze

  1. Couple of musical suggestions Professor Elemental's dis rap directed at Mr B The Gentleman Rhymer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iRTB-FTMdk
  2. Big Joes Davy Joyce reply to Simon O' Donnell. I love how articulate this guy is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wL6aDrzs3Fs
  3. I am the shadow who waits, darkness my only friend, dick jokes my only weapons. I am the world famous Scotabot and this is my story.
  4. Not really for the show but for a bit of context on the accent in the above video here is Irelands top comedian Tommy Tiernan addressing the subject http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRm9Q2KfzBA
  5. A prank call on a Cork (in Ireland) farmer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnfhS-ajKqg
  6. 'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the comedy!
  7. If you lived here you wouldn't be home by now because this is podcast and you're not listening to it here.
  8. Haze

    Episode 59 — Human Energy

    I'm also going to say that the idea that the medical industry is only out to make money is very much an American concept and a symptom of the American health care system. Irelands health care system has its issues but never once have I gone to a doctor chemist or hospital and thought "well these people are clearly out to fleece me!" Also, what exactly is this energy field the body is meant to have? Like all objects on this earth the human body has potential energy, the food we eat has chemical energy which our body converts into electrical energy, kinetic energy and heat. What is chi? How is it generated? Why can't it be measured and observed? The scientific method requires evidence and starts from a place of scepticism. Sorry to go on like this, I'm generally of the opinion everyone is entitled to there own opinion but eastern and alternative medicine is the worst kind of bunk, the kind that gets people killed. By all means eat healthy and take care of yourself, but if you have something seriously wrong with you for Zods sake go see a doctor and not some guy chanting in a room full of candles.
  9. The robot was (in looks only) Hammerstein from ABC Warriors another 2000AD strip that has nothing to do with Judge Dredd. His presence was on of the many things Dredd fans like myself hated about this movie.
  10. Haze

    Episode 59 — Human Energy

    Okay I'm justing going to put this right here and let Dara make my point for me.
  11. For those of us who pathologically hate mysteries Kaufman is a lot like Saturday Night Live or Pee Wee Herman he just doesn't play outside the US. Todays podcast sort of died for me once Clifton showed up, meh
  12. Damn it man the gosling's have mutated!
  13. Haze

    Episode 32 — Daddy, May I?

    While I appreciate wanting to set the mood I can't say I like the filtering. Its not really worth the loss of clarity (and its hard on the ears).
  14. I don't know Jerry the Japanese RPG genre has been stagnant for years, and please stop fucking my wife.
  15. Haze

    Fatal Deviation (1998)

    After listening to the Birdemic show I HAD to bump this. Fatal Deviation really is up there on the so bad its good scale. Just look at the trailer!
  16. By Lucifers beard my beard is Lucifer.
  17. Haze

    Repo! The Genetic Opera

    Don't get me wrong I would never call Repo a "good" movie. As I say it features some ropey lyrics for one thing, some of which aren't just bad they actually contradict whats happening in the movie. For instance Anthony Heads character is constantly singing about how surgical and precise he is but when we see him taking organs he is about one step shy of sticking his head in the wound and shaking his face around. Alexa Vegas pronunciation of "daad" drives me nuts, Tony Head should never have been made to sing in an American accent, I don't like Paris Hilton I can't stand SAW, I'm not a fan of gore in general and in everyday life I am the worst kind of Dublin musical snob but still, I love Repo. Its like this silly little ball of Goth joy that always leaves me with a smile on my face. And I still think Night Surgeon and Chase the Morning are great songs
  18. Haze

    Repo! The Genetic Opera

    I actually hated it the first time I saw it but it really grew on my on repeated viewings.
  19. By the Emperors name my teeth feel yurple.
  20. Oh why do Andys characters all end up being evil?
  21. Please don't make us wait another year for the return of the Bueford and Messmore!
  22. Great episode, Scott was in rare form!
  23. Odd to have Cornballs on the show and not play a single song wars track. Nonsense nonsense nonsense!