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Posts posted by Baltron9000

  1. These episodes are a nice change of pace from the Collector's campaign. I love the fuckups, I love the easy going nature of the DM (Who is driving this horse?) and I love the party itself. Forget boss battles, these guys might be their own worst enemies.

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  2. It's nice to see Blaine warming up to the gig. I really want him to do well, and by the end of it they were really rolling along. I can't wait to see what's in store. Part of me just wants the story to be this random bunch of miscreants getting into trouble with the law.

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  3. Ok, buckle up for heavy nerd talk. Feel free to skip this post.


    *Nerd talk begins*

    I cannot stand vanilla D&D anymore. I'm new to tabletop gaming, but I've been sampling all that's out there, and straight D&D drives me nuts. There is just too many number and too much going to the books to look things up. I play Dungeon World with my girlfriend and her kids - it's designed to be D&D without the hassle, everything you need is on two sheets of paper. There is no book, it's on a D10 system, there is little to no math. Everything is setup to be fun and fast, and the system has spoiled me. I play FATE core with my friends - the players have a great deal of agency with this system, they have tokens they can spend to affect the narrative and again, little to no math and nothing to look up. After playing these two systems, D&D seems like a slog. I appreciate it because that's where tabletop gaming comes from, but it frustrates me to hear a great DM and great players held back by a boring system.

    *End nerd talk*

    I should state for the record that I have slept with women and I do have some muscle mass in my upper body. I'm actually the second nerdiest firefighter on the team.

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