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Posts posted by RobM

  1. As unfair as it is, I think at this point live audiences going to a Bang Bang recording are unconsciously hoping for/anticipating one of the regular characters (whether PFT, Daly, Adomian, etc), and an original character has to do really well to get the audience on their side (the one that immediately jumps to mind is Taran Killam's Mars rover voice from the tour last year). For an audience member, they probably get to see a live Bang Bang once a year at best, so they want a guarantee that they'll find the character entertaining.

    • Like 1

  2. So I timed it. 58 seconds take place between when we first meet Tara Reid's boyfriend and his being attacked by a shark jumping through a window. 102 seconds after we first meet him, his legs are torn from his body as they try to rescue him from the shark's mouth. Honestly, it felt a lot shorter while watching.


    Still, I put it to you, HDTGM listeners: is this the fastest a movie has ever gone between introducing a jerky romantic rival to the protagonist, and having said rival die a grisly, grisly death?

    • Like 4

  3. Harris,


    Maybe it would have helped if you had explained to them that the section of Divided Sky you played was a musical palindrome. The opening part of the section is played backwards after the lyrics are sung. That is why it sounds so chaotic and hectic. I think that it would have prepared them a little more for what they heard.


    I think that the best way about going about this is to listen to a few songs in full before the podcast. Then you can analyze what you listened to during the podcast. Another way would be to start a song and listen to the whole thing, but cut that segment from the podcast.


    I can guarantee you that would not help.

    • Like 1

  4. But folks who love the stuff I don't like, maybe you have help me out. Can you tell me why Scott demands silence through the "Would You Rather" theme song? It's not funny in and of itself, takes up air time, and sometime when people do talk over it (which does make me laugh) Scott's fake anger isn't funny either. What's the point?


    That humor is subjective is your answer.

    • Like 4

  5. Show format suggestion. Lose Scott and skeptics who just want to shit on the band. Bring in someone who has music they would like to share and share back and forth with Phish and their favorite underdog band. It'll even the playing field and will be more people just enjoying music. I can't listen to people just looking for openings to shit on phish anymore. The internet is already full of people just shitting on other people's likes.


    You're the best Harris!


    So lose the thing everyone loves and turn it into every other music podcast ever.

    • Like 2

  6. I'm reviving this topic.






    Pay special attention to how much difficulty Jamie Kennedy seems to have lip-synching in those prosthetics.




    , for good measure.


    Things to note:

    • - "From the director of Cats & Dogs!"
    • - CGI dog versus CGI baby
    • - bright, colorful Cat in the Hat-like production design
    • - "Introducing Otis as Otis!"
    • - that the crux of this movie relies on the Mask version of Jamie Kennedy essentially taking advantage of Kennedy's wife and conceiving a CGI hellspawn child demon
    • - the critical reaction to this movie inspired Kennedy to create the documentary 'Heckler', which according to Wikipedia, starts out as an examination of hecklers at stage shows before segueing into an argument against all film criticism, suggesting that professional critics use negative reviews to work through their failed artistic ambitions. Here's Splitsider's write-up.


    yes, this is what I am talking about. a lot of people have done this, and a lot of people have talked about how this would make a pretty cool podcast. I am not sure why scott would be holding back on this? It fits the format of the show pretty good. Also, I just saw that canada's comedy central has picked up the CBB tv show, and so a DMT episode would be the only way to keep the show anti-corporation in a lot of people's eyes. everyone wants to do DMT. just do it already, you guys.


    What's DMT?

    • Like 1

  8. It seems that this has been voted down on FYI, or there was a reset or something. Which is a shame, because I can guarantee anyone who is arguing against this movie getting an episode isn't just letting nostalgia blind them, but also hasn't watched the movie in a good while.


    I challenge people to watch this movie with HDTGM in mind, and then honestly try to claim it wouldn't be a great episode. Your inner Jason Mantzoukas voice will be screaming in your ear the entire time.

  9. Kind of off topic, but has anyone else noticed that movies from year to year follow some sort of common thread? Last year the big thing was Archery (Brave, Avengers, Hunger Games, etc.) this year it is this sci fi genre focused on Earth being a terrible place (Elysium, After Earth, Oblivion).


    Back to the topic, I'm halfway through this ep and still not one single "afterbirth" joke. I'm getting worried.



    This year it seems to be a preoccupation with blowing up the White House and taking the President hostage. There are several shitty movies that have that as a main theme.


    Both groups seem to fall under the umbrella of society as we know it either blowing up and descending into hell, or having already blown up and descended into hell.


    Olympus Has Fallen

    White House Down

    I think the White House is taken over and/or blown up in GI Joe 2


    It's a Disaster

    After Earth

    This is the End


    World War Z

    Pacific Rim (I think the trailer said the monsters have taken over the world, and the movie is the humans fighting back?)

    The World's End


    Ender's Game


    I also want to throw in that, watching the trailer for White House Down in the theater, I loved the title card saying something like "They never trained for this." Really? They never trained for an attack on the White House?
