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Ryan Riddell

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Everything posted by Ryan Riddell

  1. Ryan Riddell

    Episode 17 — Hack and Slash

    No Blaine Ads this week? Was I not paying attention? Well I'll try a few this week anyway: "This break is brought to you by Donating to Charity! Donate to Charity for all the right reasons: To brag to your friends about how great you are!" "This break is brought to you by World Of Warcraft! World of Warcraft: You forgot to feed the cat and your girlfriend left you while you were smelting silver!"
  2. Ryan Riddell

    Episode 208 — Zombie Candles

    Oh man, I think my favorite part was when Cake Boss was all like "CAKE BOSS!" He never does that.
  3. Ryan Riddell

    Episode 138 — Outer DB

    Hadn't heard that Mobius Band song in ages. Had to dig it up and listen to it over and over. Thanks Sklars!
  4. Ryan Riddell

    Episode 16 — The Water Box

    "This break is brought to you by Sports Video Games! Sports Video Games: For the Sports Fan who hates the idea of playing sports!" "This break is brought to you by Chipotle! Chipotle: The only Mexican food chain in America NOT busted for horse meat....Yet!"
  5. Ryan Riddell

    Episode 137 — Away Game

    Guy Fieri: Food Mouthbreather Good lord, I had to pause it so I could continue laughing without missing more show.
  6. Ryan Riddell

    Episode 15 — As The Dust Settles

    Blaine had gone absolute bizarre with his ads there near the end. "This break is brought to you by Taco Bell's Baja Shrimp Tacos! Taco Bell's Baja Shrimp Tacos: You can still kind of taste the horse meat!" "This break is brought to you by Pepto Bismol! Pepto Bismol: I don't know what it does, but it sure makes your feces black!"
  7. Ryan Riddell

    Episode 14 — The Control Room

    I miss you already Karn! And Blaine's Axe Body Spray ad was a snorter. Speaking of Blaine Ads: "This break is brought to you by Q-Tips! Q-Tips: Doctors say to not use them for your ears, but why the fuck else would you buy them?" "This break is brought to you by Nintendo! Nintendo: The 4th best company with an Italian Plumber mascot!"
  8. Ryan Riddell

    Episode 13 — Up Goes The Lift

    The Blaine ads were classic this week. The ed hardy shoes made me spit milk out my nose. Manage to drum up a couple, myself: "This break was brought to you by the McDonald's McRib! The McRib: You never really loved yourself to begin with, so you might as well eat it!" "This break was brought to you by Guitar Center! Guitar Center: Your one stop shop for people with bad haircuts being condescending towards your music related questions." "This break was brought to you by baby changing stations in bathrooms! Baby Changing Stations in Bathrooms: Change your baby's diaper on a surface that people have likely snorted coke off of!"
  9. Ryan Riddell

    Episode 12 — Deeper Into The Base

    This week's round of Blaine Ads were pretty good, and while mine aren't too great, here goes: "This break is brought to you by Reddit! Reddit: A place where you can exorcise your demons through Thundercats Fan Fiction!" "This break is brought to you by Taco Bell! Taco Bell: Just when you think your diarrhea couldn't get any more thin, you turn to Taco Bell!" "This break is brought to you by Diablo III! Diablo III: It's like Dungeons and Dragons but with more action, less dice rolling, and the exact same amount of virginity!"
  10. Ryan Riddell

    Episode 11 — The Battle Continues

    More Blaine Ads: "This break is brought to you by Call of Duty Multiplayer: All the awesome realism of war combined with all the sad realism of shooting guns at 13 year olds online." "This break is brought to you by Applebee's: We have great drink specials so you get drunk enough to enjoy our terrible food." "This break is brought to you Mountain Dew: The only thing more extreme than Mountain Dew is your extremely low sperm count from drinking it."
  11. Ryan Riddell

    Episode 10 — On The Catwalk

    Is there any way we can do user submitted Blaine Ads? "This break is brought to you by Applebee's: We'd microwave your steak if it were possible!" EDIT: Should we make a thread for it?
  12. Ryan Riddell

    Episode 77 — Plant-Based Dick

    Pete's Brody Stevens impression makes me want another Brody Episode. In fact, I want an episode where Brody and Pete's impression of Brody were in the same episode talking to each other. And Lee, because why not?
  13. Ryan Riddell

    Episode 65 — Dubstep on the Grass

    The Impression of Todd Glass trying to set up a bit was so freaking spot on.
  14. Ryan Riddell

    Episode 65 — Dubstep on the Grass

    Earwolf has been on fire this week! If Earwolf were a player on NBA JAM, Their basketball would be on fire and the announcers would be yelling "IS IT THE SHOES?!" WASHBIN FUCKIN!
  15. Ryan Riddell

    Episode 146 — Climbing the Ladder

    So, the phrase "Pulled Bjork Sandwich" happened. That was one of the most groan-worthy/laugh out loud puns in podcast history.
  16. Ryan Riddell

    Episode 145 — A Family Affair

    Ain't no party like a Gary Busey party because a Gary Busey party features a large group of exotic birds who will peck a child's eyes out.
  17. Ryan Riddell

    Episode 77 — Will Punch Shark

    I agree with Harry. Gary Busey AND Bruce Jenner? Darn Sklars are treating us so nicely!
  18. Ryan Riddell

    Episode 58 — Critter Sandusky

    Gelmania has spread throughout the Earwolf studios. There is no stopping it, let Gelmania become you. And all will be good.
  19. Ryan Riddell

    Episode 76 — Live from Sklarbro Country!

    Sounds like the shores of Sklarbro Country have been shaken by the force of GELMANIA. The shores will never be the same. Seriously though, Laraine Newman was fantastic. Her stories were great.
  20. Ryan Riddell

    Episode 138 — Ghost Protocol

    Band Names from this show: Triceratops Boxing Gloves Werner Burner
  21. Ryan Riddell

    Episode 75 — New Year\'s Extravaganza

    Bruce Jenner, my god what a fantastic character. Gumbel is my favorite Sklarbro character creation of 2011... Just for the Real Sports jingle.
  22. Ryan Riddell

    Episode 74 — Sklarbro Mixtape 2011

    New Dads with No Kids or Casio Play-dough Both sound like phenomenal band names. And the swingin' utters? Hell yes, "Kick It Over" is a great song.
  23. Ryan Riddell

    Episode 3 — Gelmania III

    There is only Gelmania. Do not fear it, embrace it. Let it embrace you with open, rather hairy arms.
  24. Ryan Riddell

    Episode 70 — The Sklarbro Rippers

  25. Ryan Riddell

    Episode 69 — Yankovic Cove

    Damn, Jim Bianco should pop in more often. That guy can keep up with the Sklars like nobody's business. And of course, Weird Al was fantastic and extremely sharp, as well. Most underrated podcast on the internet right now. HENDERSON!!!!!