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Everything posted by seanotron

  1. Seriously, every scene in this movie with Russell Sams and Ian Somerholder is absolute gold. Definitely not normal, but it's based on a Bret Easton Ellis novel so I think that's a given.
  2. seanotron

    The Box (2009)

    The 80's version is the only version. And I agree, the premise works best without a lot of background detail.
  3. RE: Rules of Attraction I actually really like that movie. There are some top-notch performances in there.
  4. Even though you'd think Justin Guarini would be floating in cash from this highly successful film, it appears he has fallen on hard times as of late http://music.yahoo.com/blogs/reality-rocks/justin-guarini-discusses-post-idol-poverty-shocking-open-193918371.html?cache=clear
  5. seanotron

    The Box (2009)

    It's worth noting that Matheson hated the Twilight Zone episode, because they changed his ending. It's a rare case where I actually prefer the changed ending, as I think Matheson's ending didn't have quite the same impact. In the original story, the husband dies as a result of the wife pushing the button, and the guy says 'Did you really think you knew your husband?' It always felt a little awkward to me. I thought the TZ ending was more ominous, because they'd live out the rest of their lives wondering if they'd die from someone else's choice.
  6. 1)Halloween 3 2)Toys 3)Lifeforce 4)Now You See Me aka The Movie That Drove Me To Madness 5)Poltergeist 3
  7. seanotron

    The Rainmaker

    I actually thought this was one of the better Grisham adaptations out there. I don't remember anything especially bad or mockable about it.
  8. seanotron

    Episode 141 — Jersey Bonding

    This just adds fuel to my theory that people who use Bing are creepy and weird.* *except for you Cat & Beard, you're all right in my book
  9. seanotron

    Episode 141 — Jersey Bonding

    It was Melissa as one and Lennon as the other. Definitely don't remember any Kulap in that episode.
  10. seanotron

    Which movies have you seen/own?

    Seen: #10 Mac & me (video) #13 Crank High Voltage (video) #17 Skyline (video) #19 Wicker Man (theater) #23 The Room (video) #24 Superman 3 (theater) #27 Breaking Dawn (theater) #31 Birdemic (video) #32 88 Minutes (video) #38 Godzilla (theater, barf) #40 Spiderman 3 (theater) #41 Batman & Robin (theater) #42 Wild Wild West (theater) #43 Jaws The Revenge (video) #44 Road House (video) #46 Super Mario Bros (video) #47 Sleepaway Camp (video) #49 Breaking Dawn 2 (theater) #50 Liz & Dick (TV, but couldn't make it all the way through) #52 Anaconda (video) #54 The Devil's Advocate (video) #58 Spice World (theater) #60 Stop or My Mom (video) #63 After Earth (theater) #64 Howard the Duck (video) #65 Demolition Man (video) #66 Sharknado (TV)
  11. I'm pretty sure this is the first time Eddie Pepitone has been accused of bringing the energy down on anything.
  12. seanotron

    The Canyons

    I believe the amazing Drew Droege talked about how awful Brett Easton Ellis is in the Liz & Dick episode. Seriously, check out that guy's Twitter feed. It is amazing in its awfulness.
  13. seanotron

    Mission: Impossible III

    It's not fun for me. I found it oppressive in its badness.
  14. seanotron

    Mission: Impossible III

    If we're going to do one of these movies, I'd suggest John Woo's cuckoo bananas MI2. It's way worse than this one (which I'd argue is actually quite good). The plot is incomprehensible, and Cruise has zero chemistry Thandie Newton.
  15. seanotron

    X-Men: First Class

    RE: Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool in a future movie
  16. seanotron

    Favorite Bad Movie Quote

    Space Mutiny Guy#1: We've been in space too long! Let us land the ship. We have the power! Guy#2: It's true, we have the power to do this. But this would directly oppose the law of the universe! The law of the galaxy! Guy#1: Forget the law! Guy#3: No, the law must be upheld! Guy#2: Gentlemen, it appears we are not all in agreement!
  17. seanotron

    Time After Time

    The director is Nick Meyer, who also directed (and wrote) The 7 Percent Solution and Star Trek's 2 & 6 (he also co-wrote 4).
  18. seanotron

    Episode 140.5 — 08/9/13 TWO CHARTED 79

    While listening to this episode, I decided that Armen is just a live-action Kif from Futurama.
  19. seanotron

    Flash Gordon (1980)

    Flash Gordon is very deliberately campy. It could make for an interesting discussion, though my preference is to stick to movies that are bad and don't realize it.
  20. seanotron

    Deep Blue Sea

    An explanation isn't necessary, but it is fun
  21. seanotron

    The Canyons

    They've done several, actually. I Know Who Killed Me Liz & Dick
  22. seanotron

    Episode 140 — Scotty Boy, My Special Boy

    I said it just a few moments ago and my cat started barking.
  23. seanotron

    Episode 140 — Scotty Boy, My Special Boy

    Do you...like....Beatles?
  24. seanotron

    Episode 140 — Scotty Boy, My Special Boy

    Seriously though, this was awesome. Armen is almost more Howard than Howard.