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Everything posted by klobbermang

  1. klobbermang

    Episode 173 — Ride Like Hell

    I think brown eyes is on The Night Shift (his previous album). At least I've heard it before somewhere.
  2. klobbermang

    Episode 173 — Ride Like Hell

    I was on rotten tomatoes today after listening to the episode to discover that Premium Rush is in fact a real movie, and in fact it's tag line is "ride like hell". Holy shit.
  3. Oh my god, everything Howard is in is magic. Scott: What else can someone do in the summer? Howard: How about Summah Survellience. Scott: What do you mean by that. Howard: You watch somebody else from afar, and you see if they're havin' a summah Scott: Do you think Aladdin ever watched somebody else from Jafar?
  4. klobbermang

    Episode 172 — This is a Safe Zone

    I liked how Todd told the same krispy kreme story on this episode and also an epsiode of doug loves movies from last week. He must think about that story so much, especially since it sounded like it took place awhile ago.
  5. Episode 12. Skydiving lesson/ Dennis Franz acting lessons tapes
  6. klobbermang

    Episode 79.5 — 6/8/2012 TWO CHARTED 18

    Howard with blond hair looks like Perry Farrell
  7. Vince Carter gets a pass from me for whatever he's been up to for the last 12 years for his performance at the 2000 slam dunk contest. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVC3yBHjNvo Be sure to watch the fat camera guy who runs behind him as well.
  8. klobbermang

    CBB TV Posters in NYC

    There was an ad for the CBB tv show on this weeks Jordan Jesse Go over at maximum fun, and av club has a huge ad for it as well, not to mention the other earwolf shows. I wonder if IFC is paying earwolf to advertise for the CBB tv show on the other earwolf shows, that's sort of funny to me.
  9. klobbermang

    Episode 155 — Fingerbang Lindbergh

    I didn't know Earwolf was owned by General Mills. They should totally make a Comedy Bang Bang cereal. It would be marshmallow hot dogs and pop rocks. Also, it should come in a plastic container shaped like Scotabot's face, with a crank on the side, and when you turn the crank the cereal comes out the Choctaw's mouth, vomiting up cereal just how he vomits up comedy for us every week!
  10. klobbermang

    Episode 154 — Finger Guns

    I don't know why everyone is so confused about the age continuity of M. Wompler. In the first appearance of Wompler she was 14. The second appearance, Feb 14, 2011, she had just turned 15, when it was still CDR. Everyone knows that all episodes of CBB are recorded a year in advance, so this episode was recorded April of 2011, only a few months after her 15th birthday.
  11. klobbermang

    Episode 144 — Clones and Oliver Stones

    I've been reading Rocky vs Rambo and I was wondering if anyone knows who wrote which section? Is it in the order they're listed in the script?
  12. @Tommy, that's a sweet Nick Cage picture.