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Posts posted by Sirson

  1. eh the top 10 was pretty solid overall. I think a couple of episodes in there might've been slightly overrated due to a famous guest. Here are the 2 I voted for that didn't get in:


    163 - Ken Marino - Burning Love Episode


    177 - Key/Peele Bj Novak and Wyatt Cenac, all were super funny loved Key and Peele's characters

  2. I lost it hard pretty much from the time of the crit fail roll on the door, through the door stand by the shaman. Might've been the hardest I've ever laughed at a podcast, and I've listened to a lot of em. Brings back so many memmories of playing rpgs back in highschool and such.

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  3. I think the Best Bro Hang got voted in on the sheer power of the Sandburg name. Although that clip of Woody enjoying Entourage is a guilty pleasure. I was also a little disheartened that finger guns wasn't in the bottom 5, if Time Bobby isn't 1 or 2, I'm going to lose all my faith in humanity.. of those that vote on internet polls at least.
