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Posts posted by JacobCrites

  1. Scott is the best part of the show! He's what gives the show its unique tone. I feel like kids these days just don't appreciate good comedy in Barack Hussein Obamacare's America. Everyone's so obsessed with their current technology it's like they can't step back and appreciate a comedian who's doing something totally unique and brilliant--I mean, iPods, iPads? iDon'tKnowAnymore!

    • Like 4

  2. While I totally agree that Andrew Ti/Joselyn Hughes were out of line in their generalizations about the midwest, the level of vitriol directed toward Andrew and his show is upsetting. The vast majority of what's said on "Yo, Is This Racist?" is both accurate and hilarious. I'm sure that Ti and Besser have a lot of mutual friends (eg Jon Daly) and it would be awesome if the two of them could get together for some kind of follow-up discussion. I know that Besser has nixed the idea of a "Case Closed," but maybe he'd be willing to go on YITR? at some point.

    Yeah in general YITR is harmless fun. I've only listened a handful of times but it's always good for some chuckles. The clip Matt played was definitely awful, but...idk. It's a young show and it's going to have some missteps.

  3. Can we also discuss the brilliance of the CBB TV show? It took it a couple episodes to fully find its footing, but I think the show is up there with some of the best show of the decade. It's creative and hilarious without being crass or mean spirited (save for perhaps Don Dimello, but that's just Hollywood, you understand), which is a rare thing. I love Louie and Curb and AD as much as the next comedy nut, but I have mad props for shows like CBB and Parks and Rec, which manage to be consistently hilarious without losing their sweetness.



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  4. This was NOT a bad movie. It's a "Meh" at worst, and that's still scores above anything M. Night's done in the past decade.


    Although I did love the part where Kitai finds a piece of the crashed spaceship and needs to clear away brush to see the name on it to make sure it's a piece of HIS crashed spaceship.

    It's better than Airbender, sure, but that's like saying constipation is better than diarrhea. It's a terrible, nonsensical movie with bland performances, plot-holes galore and subplot about baby Jaden Smith getting stuck in a dang terrarium bubble while his sister is eaten.

  5. I genuinely want to know if M. Night is aware that his movies have been progressively getting worse, or if he is genuinely just hoping for another Sixth Sense at one point.

    You can see glimpses of the visual mastery he showed in his first few movies in After Earth, but they're fleeting. He just needs to team up with a good writer and get out of his own head. There are half-decent ideas tucked away in Lady in the Water, The Happening and After Earth, but they're mired in ridiculous pretension and goofy writing.

  6. I'm still catching up on all the episodes, but Jesus, this one is just incredible, all around. I'm surprised I hadn't heard more talk of it before, compared to some other frequently mentioned (and also excellent) Andy Daly episodes. Everyone plays so well off each other, and I love the build of the the Andi Callahan character, and it works so well how he becomes increasingly interesting and dark, but maintains the same cherry manner of speaking (and how the conversation remains very up-beat about all the new, horrifying twists). The ending revelations and his last line are amazing.

    Yes. One of the best episodes ever.

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  7. Β 


    Yep. Im still with you, it's petty and sad. Michael always seems to have the upper hand. That could be because he seems to be happy with his personal life while Marc laments about everything on numerous platforms. Either way it made me feel better to know that Matt and the gang were all weirded out by it as well.

    MIB clearly dominated, but I do think it was probably, MOSTLY, in jest. Have you heard Marc on Doug Loves Movies recently with Kumail? They both viciously insult each other the entire time and it's all a bit. I think that's what they were going for, but as this episode reminds us, it's hard to indicate one's level of sarcasm on Twitter.
