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Posts posted by JacobCrites

  1. This begs the question- why are you advertising that you're desperate for listener opinions in every show now when you often get defensive about things on the forum? It's your company, your show and your forum, but if the rule is that people shouldn't voice anything other than favorable reactions you need to state that in the rules.


    You did the same thing when people had some negative reactions to Wompler appearance; you responded by accusing everyone of being sexist.


    People are giving empassioned reactions to a portion of your show, as you've requested and in keeping with the pupose of a forum, and your snapping at them.

    ^ It's not constructive criticism for the show when you lambast a comedian because of their medical preferences. That's just being a dick.



    Also, those negative reactions weren't for Wompler, they were for another character.

    Exactly. What's more, Scott didn't accuse anyone of being sexist, as I remember; he merely brought it up as a possibility because he was confused at the negative reaction to a character. Through the discussion, it became apparent that most of the people who didn't like the character weren't put off by her "voice" (as Scott thought) but her being "one note."


    And I would hardly call a bunch of people calling Nick Thune an idiot because of something he said about medicine a constructive, "empassioned reaction."

  2. This was a good episode. It should have been GREAT. But this Pete Holmes guy - whom I've never heard of and will actively avoid in the future - did his absolute best to ruin it. His incredibly grating, shrill voice and laughter cut through me like a knife. And he talks over everyone else, which is the worst part of it all. There was at least one instance where Paul's voice sounded completely exasperated with him.


    If he ever does a director's cut of HDTGM?, I hope Paul pulls a George Lucas on this episode and cuts Holmes out completely.

    It's interesting; Holmes is one of my least-favorite comedians, but I actually enjoyed him on this episode. He's a good fit for this show.

  3. Incredible episode. It's interesting how polarizing it's become on here, because for me, every part of it worked. Everyone was on their A-game, which I couldn't say about End Scene. Lapkus continues to be one of my favorite improvisers (and she has amazing chemistry with Scott) and Admomian's PSH was spot-on (and was especially fun if you're a fan--he slipped in some funny nods to his films). Thune was great as always, somehow managing to make an "I want my baby back" joke that actually lands.



    Not quite an A++. But close.

    • Like 3

  4. Amazing episode. Seriously. One of the best. I don't think I stopped laughing the entire time. And I have to take back what I said about seeing the podcast in video form: it genuinely added to the experience this time. It's a really cool thing, seeing the gears turn, the ideas generate. Not to mention there was some physical bits this time that could only be fully appreciated in video form. I'm still not 100% on board with it for CBB, but consider me a i4h VPN convert.

    • Like 2

  5. "Best" is a tricky thing. I think in terms of sheer creativity, pushing podcast boundaries and variety, it's probably the best podcast out there. But in terms of enjoyment? It's hard to top The Long Shot. There's literally not a single episode even resembling disappointment. The chemistry is the best in podcasting, they're able to topple "deep" subjects with riotous humor, and it's just flat out fun, all the time. My personal favorites are as follows:


    1. The Long Shot

    2. Comedy Bang! Bang!

    3. Improv4humans

    4. How Did This Get Made?

    5. The Nerdist

  6. I don't think a Sandler movie would work. His movies are knowingly stupid, and the best HDTGM eps are about movies that seem blissfully unaware of their stupidity/horribleness.

    I agree, although the main reason why the gang won't touch those movies is because they have buddies that star in them. Which is fine.

    And personally, I like that the podcast is choosing movies that are so-bad-they're-good. Sandler movies are pretty much the scum of the earth, but that makes them soul-sucking to watch. As you say, it's more fun to watch movies that are unaware of how bad they are.

  7. Yeah, in general I don't like the video feed for the improv-based podcasts. I think they work great for more traditional conversation-based casts (genuinely excited to see HDTGM on VPN), but something about seeing the performers sort of destroys the "theater of the mind" aspect of i4h and CBB. I like watching them after I've listened; it feels more like a cool, behind the scenes look at what it's like to be in the studio. But something like the most recent episode of CBB just doesn't work as well in video form.


    Although I will say, seeing Matt say "We'll give you the fish hook RIGHT OUT OF VEGAS!" while doing the fish hook gesture was a joy.

  8. Wow, just an incredible episode. Maybe the best ever. It had all the stuff that makes i4h great: non-confrontational listener call-ins, Eric the Unpaid Intern, Crap on YouTube and, of course, tweets. I nearly spat out my morning coffee when I heard:

    "Could you twat it down a bit?"


    And the Big Brother Program sketch may be my new all-time favorite.


    I had previously thought that the two guys having the same name had just been a coincidence, but after hearing Tony in the studio I think you may be right. Especially with his affinity for uppers and the lack of a moral compass. Tony must have won that knife fight in the woods, and that's why Andi Callahan didn't make an appearance at the mass suicide in episode 148! It all makes sense now! Plus, I just now remembered that Andi Callahan first met Tony at a movie theater :lol:/>

    This show has layers!

  10. Case Closed is definitely not for everyone. And it's so inherently non-comedic (except the Star Trek debate) and confrontational that as much as I do enjoy it, I don't think the show would be worse without it. The show is capable of tackling issues on its own without having to worry about walking the line between spirited debate and bullying.


    I think Matt made a good choice in giving a little warning before CC on the last episode, though. And there was a solid hour of show before it, so it's not like those who chose to skip the segment were short changed.


    Maybe we need a case closed to debate whether or not to close case closed?
