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Posts posted by sarel

  1. Unfortunately many people on this board doesn't understand how the business works. I have no qualms about a bunch of people from BFF going onto Earwolf shows to promote their new shows. I understand that they are doing this. They want to drum up support and viewership in an ever dwindling audience. I'll probably check it out just based on these appearances and if I don't like it, so what. If I do, then their advertising was successful. And by supporting their show, it will allow them to produce more content that I enjoy. It's just part of the way things operate.


    Like when Vanilla Ice was on, he was promoting his show in exchange for being on the podcast. Do I mind this? Not at all. It's just the way things are. The same with advertisers. I have no problems about Legal Zoom or Amazon or Audible supporting these shows because I'm not paying for them and I am willing to send a few dollars their way to justify them supporting the show. I don't mind sitting through the ads since, at the end of the day, these things cost money to make (studio time, engineers, etc...) and they are providing it for free.


    Also, Paul Scheer, at the beginning of this episode, clearly states that they have friends on from BFF. If you couldn't figure out there might be some plugging then the blame only lines on you.

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  2. You guys hit most of the things I wrote down when I watched the film. I'm also amazed at the hacking powers of both the CIA and the bad guys in these types of films. It reminds me of NTSF:SD:SVU:: when the boss is like "SAM, search the entire US database for people with birthdays today".


    Two other points I found stupid. If the bad guy has an electronic encrypted list, why did he not back it up? Seriously. Do people in these films not have a basic crasp of technology? Secondly, why is the CIA doing official business in the middle of a packed stadium? The bad guy clearly would know that the CIA is following him and Nathan and if he shot Nathan that would immediately pinpoint him to be arrested. Furthering that, when he attempts to shoot him in the parking lot. What the hell does he think he would do when he's shot Nathan? In the middle of a public parking lot outside a MLB stadium, he isn't going to get far at all. Plus I like how the CIA just drives up and nonchalantly picks up the body and then has an exchange of highly classified government information casually as massive crowds walk by while making no attempt to hide what they are doing.


    I also agree with June (?) who stated the set designer is the unsung hero. Totally agree. The film looks amazing.

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  3. Is it just me, or does this plot sounds kind of good? (Taylor Lautner aside, of course...)


    Yeah. I am actually going to watch this one.


    I like both of the t-shirt designs although I prefer the text one.


    I second Paul with The Happening. The film is stupid but it's watchable and just hilarious. The trees... they are blowing!

    • Like 1

  4. Just finished it. This year has been absolutely stellar. Every single week manages to outdo the previous week. The cavalcade of suicide is just so brilliant. I loved listening to Andy Daly's gear turns as he realises what is going on. So. Fucking. Amaznig. I don't know how Andy Daly can ever top this brilliance.

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