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Posts posted by angryatheist

  1. Oh poor ALW. You seem to be ignorant of the fact that American pronunciation is far older than your silly modern British pronunciation. You fools became non-rhotic and pulled the New Englanders with you, but the rest of us were happy to keep our final 'r's.

    I suggest you go to the near mansion-less Appalachia to hear how your beloved Bard spoke.

  2. Mr. Maher, is that you?

    Nah, homie. But one in five Americans know the world will end in their lifetimes and about 40% are young Earth creationists. Anyway, there is no god. Theism prevents people from unlocking the last unknowns; if you care about knowledge, it is indefensible.

  3. Let's not forget about the racism in the alien history crap. I've almost never heard anyone say that aliens built European structures. Every once in a while people will talk about aliens and the stonehenge, but pyramids come up far more often.

    It's always Central Americans and Africans. What about the Pantheon? The size of the its unreinforced concrete dome has never been surpassed. How could a dome built almost 2,000 years ago still stand?

    Advanced surveying skills were necessary to deal with the anual flooding of the Nile. The land changed significantly each year.
