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Posts posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. "Best Worst Movie" is pretty great. I got it from Netflix a while back and ended up buying it later on. The director, who also brought us such masterpieces as "Monster Dog" with Alice Cooper, is COMPLETELY delusional. What's funny is that I had recently watched the "Nightmare on Elm Street" series documentary "Never Sleep Again", which had people saying stuff like "Oh, it was great, and it helped me out so much!", and then you see some of those same people in the convention scenes in "Best Worst Movie", and they looked pretty miserable. It didn't help that the Troll dad was kind of ripping on them, but I think he was able to see it more for what it was, because he had a successful career outside of the movie stuff. You could see that the Elm Street people kind of wanted to just let him have it, but there was probably a bit of truth to what he was saying, in a roundabout sort of way.

  2. "2012" was actually HUGE. I mean it's dumber than shit, and it only did OK in the U.S. as far as big explody blockbusters are concerned (166 million), but it did another 600 million internationally. The next time anyone trashes on America for making brainless, stupid entertainment, they need to look at the rest of the world to see who's fault it really is for making them hits.


    Oh Jesus, I forgot about the Puff Daddy song, or rather, "Kashmir" with a lot of yelling over it. The biggest problem I had with that song was when he and Jimmy Page performed it on SNL. There was this orchestra backing them up, and they made it a point to show us the sheet music they were looking at, which was titled "Come With Me", not "Kashmir With Puffy Just Yelling Over It".

  3. I was in the Air Force from October 1996-October 2000, probably THE least eventful 4-year stretch of the last 20-odd years. I'd like to see a movie about THAT. Of course, it would probably have to be a comedy. An intentional comedy, I mean, not something like "Act of Valor".

  4. Since someone else mentioned it, I'd like to suggest that you DON'T do "Star Wars: Episode I", mostly because it's the deadest horse there is, and there really isn't anything that can be said about it that hasn't been said by approximately everyone that's ever had a movie podcast. That said, I'd still love to hear a "Batman and Robin" episode. Sure, it's almost as played out, but at least it isn't an absolute bore to sit through like "Phantom Menace", and really, that's the biggest problem with THAT movie.

  5. I saw bits and pieces of this thing at my theater (I'm sure I'll Netflix it soon), and the thing that I found most offensive was that this movie and the marketing around it seemed to designed to make you look like an America-hating asshole if you didn't like the movie or criticized the performances by the non-actors in the film. And let me see if I have this right: They wanted to play up the authenticity of the real SEALs, but then it's still your typical cliche-ridden actioner where you just KNOW the guy with the family or baby on the way isn't going to be walking out of this thing...

  6. For some reason, when I saw "The Other Sister", I thought of the movie from a couple years back called "My Sister's Keeper", where Cameron Diaz and her husband have a kid so that they can use it as an organ farm for their older child that has cancer or something. Hmmmm, the two might be a pretty awesome mash-up. For good measure, you could throw in that movie where Rosie O'Donnell plays a retarded woman, and you'd have "Riding The Bus With My Other Sister's Keeper"!

    • Like 1

  7. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that exactly NONE of those first four Batman films were even ABOUT Batman. The third one, Forever, may have been the closest. I mean it was still primarily about Carrey and Jones out-hamming one another, but I think that film had the most Bruce Wayne in it. Clooney, the poor bastard, never got a chance in "Batman and Robin", but he's hardly the one at fault. That said, if they ever do a live-action adaptation "Dark knight Returns", it would be AWESOME to see the Clooney of today (or the Clooney of a few years from now, whatever...) as an older, grizzled Batman coming out of retirement. "Batman and Robin" may have been a blessing in disguise. If it would have been more successful and better-received, we may have lost Clooney to big-budget shittier movies forever instead of getting him in a good variety of things for the next 15 years.

  8. It's not out yet, but has anyone seen the trailer for this thing? It looks fucking INSANE, like it has to take place in one of these alternate universes where protesting street dancers are taken seriously by corporations and the media, not ours, where they would just be looked at as "those assholes that are holding up traffic". It also appears as though it partially takes place in that same shipping yard that was blown up three times a couple years back by the A-Team, the Losers, and the cast of "Red", and that it was written by someone who has no idea of what registers as a successful internet video nowadays. "Twenty thousand hits in under FIVE HOURS!"? I could post a video of my cat beating up my dad's dog that could do more than that. (Note to self: Remember to film the next time my cat beats up my dad's dog...)


    I always preferred my movies to have crazy dancers that tackled more realistic goals, like saving the local orphanage and/or community center. That said, nothing will ever top "Breakin'" or the "Terminator 2"/"Aliens" of urban dance movie sequels, "Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo". I think the genre died altogether by the time "Lambada" rolled around, which featured young people dry-humping as a means of protesting the destruction of the Brazilian rain forests. "Step Up: Revolution" looks like that movie on meth.

  9. I agree with whoever suggested Johnny Mnemonic. I actually saw it in the theater (yeah, I'm the guy! I saw Tank Girl too!), and while I don't recall it being any good, I imagine it might have a bit more entertainment value now, because it was all super high-tech by 1995 standards, which means it's probably hilariously out-of-date in 2012.

  10. Does anyone else remember Pepsi Blue? I swear I'm the only person that ever bought it, and it was fucking delicious.


    I wasn't as upset about "Alien 3" invalidating "Aliens" as I was about "Iron Eagle 2" playing the same trick. The first film is a light action flick about an Air Force brat (Jason Gedrick) that has to steal a jet with the help of Lou Gossett Jr. (who was probably too old for this shit) and his high school buds, so that he can rescue his dad, who's been shot down behind enemy lines. He manages to take on the entire military of some Middle Eastern nation or another before saving the day, and then he's shot out of the sky in the opening moments of the sequel. Bummer, dude.


    I've got no problem with the characters saying what they're signing anyway, as not everyone in the scene knew sign language. It's when people say something in a foreign language in a movie to other people that speak that language and then immediately repeat it in English that bugs me.


    Wasn't there also a 7-11 in "Thor" or something, in this town at the ass-end of nowhere where you'd never expect to see one?


    I wouldn't say that time is elastic in this movie. It's more like a mobius strip, an unending series of events that keeps repeating itself into infinity, which is about how long it took me to watch this film. I remember picking it up for a few bucks used at Blockbuster shortly after it came out, and I tried and tried to get through it, but I don't think I could stay focused on it for more than a few minutes at a time, and I pretty much ended up having to "Clockwork Orange" myself into watching it. I was huge fan of the first one, and had heard about it for months and months before it came out, because my dad was in charge of the people working on the highway during the filming of most of the bus stuff. Watching "Speed" with him is like watching it with a commentary track that you can't turn off.


    Ebert gave the movie a positive review, and his partner was taken from him a year and a half later. Karma, man. Karma...


    I think this was one of the ONLY big summer movies that I didn't see in theaters in 1997. I had just been stationed at Beale AFB in California at the end of May, and I didn't know anyone yet, so ALL I did was go to the movies in my free time. Not sure what I was doing that weekend, but "Batman & Robin" came out the next week, and you could bet your ass that I was there opening day. "Con Air" and "Face/Off" came out that month too. Wow, some of the best and worst action movies of the year all came out within weeks of each other. As a matter of fact, you could do an entire summer's worth of shows based on the summer of 1997. I see Con Air, Speed 2, Batman & Robin, Face/Off, Air Force One, SPAWN, Conspiracy Theory (which seems more and more like a Mel Gibson documentary with every day that passes...), G.I. Jane, and STEEL. Good/bad/great summer!


    Of all the big-budget, overlong films about boats sinking that Fox put out that year, this is EASILY the second best one.

  11. You guys! My bf and I just got in from the video store and the guy at the counter held up Speed 2 and asked with genuine concern, "Are you sure that you guys meant to grab this one?"


    I can't stop laughing.


    This reminds me of a few years back when my roommate bought me "Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD" on DVD for Christmas, which was the made-for-TV flick starring The Hoff. She said that she'd never felt so uncomfortable and embarrassed, so judged by the Best Buy cashier, that she would have felt better if I'd just asked her to buy me porn instead.

  12. The funny thing about "Judge Dredd" was that years later, when I actually got into the comics, I saw that there was a LOT in the movie that came directly from the books that was good, but then they added stupid shit like Rob Schneider and Dredd running around without his uniform off for 90% of the film. To me, getting SOMETHING right, showing that someone had at least done the homework, is much more frustrating and upsetting than if they would have taken something that was COMPLETELY off the rails and stuck the Dredd name on it. Like if you knew they were completely oblivious to it, that's not as bad as knowing that they had it right at some point and then knowingly sabotaged it.

  13. That reminds me, I was watching American Idol a few weeks back, and they were doing Queen songs that week, OK? Anyway, they did all the songs that you think they'd do, but there wasn't a SINGLE selection from the "Highlander", "Iron Eagle", OR "Flash Gordon" soundtracks! No "Princes of the Universe", no "One Vision", no "Flash! Ah-ahhhhhh!", no nothin'! Bullshit, man. Definite party foul...

  14. I actually worked on "One For the Money" for a few days when it was filming in and around Pittsburgh, which was supposed to pass for Newark, New Jersey. I'm not sure what that says about us really...


    I was a driver in the scene where she has the naked guy in the car, she walks past my parked car a few times when she's waiting for the guy in the parking area of his apartment building (and the cars are all parked in the exact same spots later on when she's back there again later in the movie), I'm an orderly in the hospital scene where they wheel out Sherri Shepherd, and then I did 2 days worth of driving in a bridge sequence that I guess got cut. There's no way I'd watch this thing in it's entirety, but I manage a movie theater, so I was able to poke in and out to see if my scenes were coming up. It's not a bad gig, getting paid to work on terrible movies you'd never watch. "Abduction" was still the worst though.

  15. I can't (well, maybe I can) believe that Disney would stoop to using "Two Princes" in a film for one of their flagship characters! I mean, I could totally see it being used in of their shitty live-action kiddie flicks, like "Max Keeble's Big Move" or something, but not Pooh! Oh, and another one I just thought of...



    3) So I Married an Axe Murder



    It was one of about a dozen songs in the film, and the only one that WASN'T "There She Goes" by The La's, which plays about 11 times.

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  16. Inspired by the discussion in Episode 36, I felt it was my duty to begin a count of all of the film appearances of the classic tune "Two Princes" by the Spin Doctors. Rather than just list them off though, I think we should talk about them one by one, and explain it's significance (OK, that might be stretching it...) to the film it pops up in. When we're done, we can publish our findings, forever to be used in film theory classes until the end of time. I'll start.


    Most recently, I heard it pop up in the film "Love and Other Drugs", a film that I wouldn't have bothered with except that it was the first film that I ever got to work on. If you've seen it, I can be seen about 6 times for a total of 1.4 seconds in the training montage. Yes, it was my first film AND my first montage. Check and check!


    Anyway, this film is a period piece, taking place in the 90's and GOD DAMN if they don't let you know it right away by cranking up that magical tune when the title card hits. Jake Gyllenhaal, soon to be a Viagra Salesman, begins the film working at an electronics store, where "Two Princes" is blasting over the speakers.


    Having been a teenager in 1993, I can tell you that the Spin Doctors were DONE by about 1994. You sure as hell weren't popping in "Pocket Full of Kryptonite" to move high-end stereo equipment in 1996. It would be like that scene in "Boogie Nights" where Buck is going through his country phase. This film, as well as many others, suffers from poor soundtrack decisions that were probably made by people that didn't listen to popular music of the time period DURING that time period. There's another Gyllenhaal flick that pops to mind, "Jarhead", which features a scene where Marines, during Christmas of 1990, are singing along to Naughty By Nature's "O.P.P.", which wasn't released for close to another year. That was actually written into the film, which makes it even more of an obvious mistake. There's also a Nirvana song off of "Nevermind", but it's not a part of the story itself.


    Anyway, yeah, "Love and Other Drugs". My choice to kick off the "Two Princes" thread.


    1) Love and Other Drugs

  17. I remember thinking "Carla Gugino as a porn star? SOLD!". And then I wondered why this movie that I hadn't heard of, that had been made in the last year, had so many names in it, almost all actors that were currently working on bigger projects. Strange...


    I didn't even realize that "Elektra Luxx" WAS a sequel until it showed up at my place. The Netflix sleeve said something like "In this sequel to 'Women in Trouble'...", so I immediately looked it up, and thankfully (or so I thought at the time) it was streaming. After watching "Women in Trouble", "Elektra Luxx" sat untouched for about 2 weeks. Once I did get around to it, I discovered that it was just more of the same. That said, despite being a shitty, boring mess, it's still the best film I've ever seen with the word "Elektra" in the title.




    "...the best film I've ever seen..." ---- PlanBFromOuterSpace


    (pull quote for the imaginary "Elektra Luxx" Blu-Ray release)

  18. Their weakness is sunlight, so they invade HAWAII?!? Coming from an advanced civilization and all, I figure they'd be smart enough to start up north, like where those vampires attacked in "30 Days of Night".


    From what I understand, using Battleship's logic, if we needed to get to outer space in a hurry, we could just pop into the Smithsonian or the Air and Space Museum or whatever and take the pod that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin got to the moon in, because it's still totally primed for space travel.
