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Posts posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. Yeah, I think one of the things that helps the original is being set in the jungle, it doesn't necessarily put it in any specific time period. Putting the action in downtown LA with rival Jamaican voodoo gangs was an utterly bizarre story choice.


    It made its money back, but it was considered a big failure based on the success of the first one.

    I really liked the change of setting though, and I think that the movie being so dated (I would even say post-dated) actually helps, because if they did another one that took place in a city, at least it would be different from the OTHER one that took place in a city. If you have a more timeless setting, it kind of makes it seem like more of the same. For instance, "Predators" seemed like more of a re-hash or a remake of the original than a different movie, whether it be a sequel or just another movie taking place in a universe where predators were running around. It reminds me of "Jurassic Park", like how "Lost World" was pretty much the same movie as the first one, but they just remembered to bring guns this time. Not really being a fan of the first film, I was hoping that "Lost World" would be the "Predator 2" of it's franchise with dinosaurs terrorizing a new environment where dinosaurs aren't supposed to be, placing innocent people in danger, not just a bunch of trained soldiers, which we got for about 10 minutes at the end.

  2. I can hear Jason now, "Of course the only way to solve a manly dispute is a dangerous game of HOVERCRAFT BALL!!! I mean c'mon guys, it's fucking HOVERCRAFT BALL!"

    I had a cousin that died when he was caught in the middle of a Hovercraft Ball-related turf dispute. Hover Ball-related violence needs to stop. It's no joke, y'all. I know, you're thinking "But if we take away Hover Ball, the only people that play Hover Ball will be criminals anyway, so how would it make anyone safer?". Every decade since 2003, there's been no less that one reported Hover Ball death (RIP cousin Chris), but I think with the right legislation, we can end Hover Ball deaths once and for all.

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  3. The only problem I see with She's All That is that it's so infamous and representative of bad teen romcoms that it has basically become the definitive formula. Hot girl who is ugly because she wears glasses, douche-y dudebro who learns the meaning of love by dating her, empty-headed blonde cheerleader vs intellectual brunette...there are no actual characters in the movie, just archetypes. It's such well-worn territory that I'm not sure it would be that much fun to pick apart.

    Toss in a death or two, and you've got the Nicolas Sparks formula, because that's the easiest way to trick a teenage girl into thinking she saw a good movie.

  4. Yeah I think this one is just bad outside of the final Home Alone-esque setup towards the final fight.

    I love how she straight up gets away with murdering her husband by claiming self defense when anyone investigating the scene could see that it had to be completely pre-meditated. I mean, the power was cut, phone lines cut, shit was rigged to break and fall apart, potential weapons were moved and stashed into places where he couldn't get them, etc. The house was a giant box of kill. Also, her husband had his cop buddies looking out for him, right? When he turned up dead, did they just fucking give up and drop it all right there?


    This was one of those movies that seemed to WANT to have a good message, that you have to stand up to the abuse and fight back, but it went about it in just the most ridiculously wrong way. Hey, speaking of fighting back, didn't J-Lo become a black belt in an afternoon? I think this movie is PERFECT for an episode!

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  5. well, don't get too excited they sell ipad first 1st generation for 500 dollars. Not that it's really worth that. just that a lot of con-artists sell old junk on amazon hoping some poor sucker doesn't do the math in us dollars first.

    Do you remember when "Tron" was going for ridiculous prices around the time that the sequel was coming out, because the DVD had been out of print or something? Yeah, if you were scrambling to get that and paid those astronomical prices when you just KNEW Disney would have to re-release the thing (and put it on Blu-Ray) when "Legacy" hit home video, there's no way around it, you were a fucking idiot. That said, I was able to cash in pretty nicely last summer when I E-Bayed off my David Hasselhoff "Nick Fury" DVD around the time that "Avengers" was out.

  6. tumblr_min809tt7Z1s3m0bto1_500.gif






    I want this so much. Also Justin Long and Zoe Saldana are super famous now so that could be entertaining as well.

    It's kind of like "Mean Girls" in that way. It was meant as a starring vehicle for one particular person, but then it was the supporting cast that's done bigger and better things since. I mean, Spears didn't drop off the face of the Earth by any means (for a while though, it looked like she would), but she hasn't appeared in a movie since.

  7. Even worse is Species 3, which features none of the original characters and manages to squeeze in even more sex/nudity.

    To be fair though, that was the first one to go direct to video, so any hope for a good follow-up instantly plummets. Hell, it may have even debuted on SyFy. Did you know there's actually a fourth one too? Crazy...

  8. It also had a skinny-ish Alfred Molina, though I think the sequel is way more insane with instant babies and a guy regrowing his head after blowing it off with a shotgun.

    Yeah, the second one was the really bad one. It's more like "How was Species 2 the sequel to Species?". It's like someone went "Can we all agree that the best part of the first film was the tits? Now let's make the monster in this one a guy so that when he's trying to get it on with everyone, we can have a fresh pair of tits every two minutes!". I mean, I love that philosophy, and I think it should be applied to all genres of film, but nothing ELSE worked in the second one, and I remember liking this first one quite a bit.

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  9. This is one of the few movies i have attempted to watch and could not finish. I did sit through 40+ minutes and skipped to the end where both Sean William Scotts are in an Ice Cream Truck that is floating in the air.


    They should totally review this movie but i feel bad for wasting 2 hours of their life.

    I remember watching the first half pretty closely, thinking there'd be SOMETHING I'd have to pay attention to to get whatever happened later, but after what felt like three hours, I looked and saw that I was less than an hour and a half in, so I sort of gave up and started doing other things while I had it on, and I don't think I really missed anything by not having my eyes glued to the screen the whole time. I'm pretty glad though that I didn't know anyone that had seen it, that no one ruined it for me, because it was much more satisfying to watch as the movie ruined itself.

  10. The most insane thing about this is that Katie Holmes turned down The Dark Knight to do this movie.

    But it was a once in a lifetime opportunity! I mean, maybe she just really, really was dying to have the chance to get to work with...Queen Latifah. Everyone knows that's why Diane Keaton signed on. At least, that's what I'm putting on the Wikipedia page...

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    All updated.


    And I was also shocked that there wasn't a second appearance of Mr. Perlman

    Yeah, he's one of those guys that seems like he'll show up in your movie if you just ask him nicely and make him a sandwich (see also: Jackson, Samuel L.), so I'm sure we'll see the HDTGM crew tackle something else of his sooner or later whether they mean to or not.

  12. Dash Mihok (2): Punisher War Zone, Trespass

    Cam Gigandet (2 1/2): Trespass, Burlesque, the end credits of Breaking Dawn Part 2 (bit of a stretch)

    Neil Mc-Fucking-Donough (2): I Know who Killed Me, 88 Minutes (tick tock)

    Hank Azaria (2): Smurfs, Godzilla

    BAI LING! (2): Crank 2, Wild Wild West

    Temuera Morrison (3!): Barb Wire, Speed 2, Green Lantern


    How has there NOT been more Ron Perlman?

  13. I'm not sure if the two "Twilight" movies should count as being separate movies. I mean, putting aside how they're one overstretched story, you sign on for one movie that's incredibly successful and you're almost certainly going to sign on for the sequels; it's not like they had two lapses of judgment in choosing their movies.

    They did review both of them though. I mean, I'd give Lautner the recognition before I did Billy Burke, as the movies Burke has appeared in here are movies that just happened to have Billy Burke IN them, and I don't think I could identify Burke in a police lineup if he slaughtered my family in front me while saying "I'm Billy Burke, and you might want to remember that in case you have to identify me in a police lineup". Lautner's movies were starring vehicles.

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  14. You for got Schwarzenegger! And holy shit, you know you've made it when the spellchecker ignores your name...


    Anyway, right off the top of my head, you've got "Jingle All the Way" and "Batman and Robin". I don't remember if there were more, I'll have to look.

  15. As mentioned before, the prequels, particularly "Phantom Menace", are the deadest horse there is. Deadest horses...there are? I don't know, whatever. Anyway, I think the worst part about "Menace" is that it's just not really worth putting the energy into. I've heard the Red Letter Media review was interesting, but I just do not care about the movie enough to hear ANOTHER review of it. Vand3r, while none of those movies you mentioned have been done nearly as much, except maybe "Batman & Robin", those movies at least have some sort of entertainment value. "Batman and Robin" is howlingly bad considering what came before it and what followed, and it's fun to show to someone that hasn't seen it, but that can't be said at all about "Phantom Menace". I think it may have seemed that way originally, but when the sequels to it didn't show too much in the way of improvement, that THIS was going to be the new (at the time) disappointing "Star Wars", it became less special in it's badness to the point that it just became boring, uninteresting, and unmemorable. "Phantom Menace" is a movie you watch with someone if you never want them to watch a movie with you again.
