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Posts posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace


    Are you honestly saying that Goldeneye wasn't a fantastic game?!

    That game is possibly the greatest shit-talker of all time, and I don't know about you guys, but I had friends that played that thing for YEARS. I was in the Air Force when it came out, I lived in dorms, and there ALWAYS seemed to be a game of GoldenEye set up in one of the dayrooms. Ten minute rounds on License to Kill, lowest scores out, winner of the round picks the preferred weapon for the next round, and you'd never really be out of the game for any longer than ten minutes. Screw online gaming, this was where it's at! Was? Whatever...

  2. I think the main thing that makes this movie SO crazy is that so many people from the first one were involved. It was so off the fucking rails for a movie that had the same director, screenwriter, and producers as it's predecessor, and the only reasoning I can think of for this going in such a different direction is that the first one was a flop, so no one really gave a shit. If that was the case though, it makes me wonder why they even kept it a "Highlander" movie at all.

    • Like 1

  3. Man, that would be great, a good fit...I doubt it would happen, though, since James is on the East Coast

    Some of his reviews had been pretty obnoxious, but I've watched more of his videos recently where he WASN'T in character, where he was just shooting the shit with his buddy or talking about games WITHOUT sounding like he was on the verge of a mental breakdown, and he seems like a pretty alright dude to just listen to.

  4. Out of all the movies to get the 3D treatment in recent years, how has the "Fast and the Furious" franchise not been done? I don't even LIKE those movies for the most part, but the action sequences in the last couple would at least look pretty incredible, and the target audience for those movies are the kind of people that wouldn't have a problem forking over the extra cash. Of course, the characters in the film would remain completely two-dimensional...

  5. I just wish they could have finished the video game they were making a couple years back, looked fantastic.

    That reminds me, here's a video review I saw of the Atari Jaguar "Highlander" game based off of the animated series from the mid-90s by the Angry Video Game Nerd guy and his buddy, and that game looked absolutely abysmal. The "Highlander" review starts around the 8 minute mark...



  6. I like how the franchise started at "There can only be one" before going to "There can only be one MORE" and then "There can only be several others" before ultimately ending up at "There can only be at least one a week for several seasons". I like the first film, but aside from that, the TV show was probably the best thing to come out of the series.

  7. I'm pretty surprised that they haven't covered it either, and I'm sure that it HAD to be suggested somewhere in the thread already. Maybe everyone just assumes it's been done already, because it was MADE for this show.


    I actually saw "Showgirls" in the theater and was SO psyched because I'd just turned 17, it was the first and only wide release for an NC-17 flick, and it was playing at my local theater in Idaho Falls, Idaho! I was probably expecting wall-to-wall hardcore porn, but what I got was a movie that seemed like it was WRITTEN by a 17-year-old that had never so much as SEEN a boob in real life and had some crazy, backwards idea of what "sexy" meant. This movie did the unthinkable and made a teenage boy stop caring that Jessie from "Saved by the Bell" was going to be topless for 2 hours. That said, the edited-for-TV version with it's bad CG censoring is GOLD.

    • Like 3

  8. This movie is too good and was a big hit when it came out.

    It wasn't a hit AT ALL, which really surprised me, because I always thought it had been a blockbuster too. I remember seeing both this and "Labyrinth" (another film that I thought had done better) in the same weekend at my local movie theater. When I was a kid, I thought that if something was on TV all the time, it must have made a lot of money. Using that logic, "Red Dawn" would have been the highest-grossing film of all time, with "Police Academy 2" in a distant second.

    • Like 1

  9. As a child of the 80's that grew up on this thing, the DeBarge song from the soundtrack is permanently embedded in my brain. It's such a fucking perfect song. Oh sure, "Who's Johnny?" from "Short Circuit" was pretty great too, but nothing beats "Rhythm of the Night" when it comes to non-Kenny Loggins 80's soundtrack cuts. NOTHING.


    OK, maybe Robert Tepper's "No Easy Way Out" from "Rocky IV", but nothing else...

  10. I thought for sure that this new one would just be called "6". The name of the seventh should just be a "Vrooom!" sound effect, and it'll just be referred to by whatever the color of the background on the poster is, like "Fast and the Furious: Orange" or something, like every 2nd or 3rd Weezer album.

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  11. My Last name is Lomax and I was just wondering where you learnt about the meaning of Lomax? It is incorrect as it comes from Lumhalghs family who came in the Norman invasion.

    I'm pretty sure that it was just a play on words on the screenwriter's part is all. The explanation that they gave for the name on the show sounds about right, was in no way intended to be an explanation of the real origin of the name, and it's probably the closest anything came to being "subtle" in this movie.

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    I am not aware of any bad movies being remade. I have only seen prior hits with hollywood being remade. I would like to see a bad movie like They Live remade so it could be much better than the original. Please share any bad remakes you know of.


    Plenty of bad and/or unmemorable movies get remade, but they tend to go under the radar a bit or at least have a lower profile, as no one's throwing the same kind of shit fits over those, although you DO still have those people that say "Why would they remake THAT?", when in truth, if you feel you HAVE to remake something, it's the bad ones that SHOULD be remade. We're just starting to enter a period where there are remakes of movies like "Total Recall" or "Robocop" that I clearly remember seeing in the theater that I grew up on, and while those ARE highly-regarded films of their era, I'm just waiting to see what remakes come out in the next few years where I know the originals were NOT classics, just to see who comes out of the woodwork to defend them. "Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man is a PERFECT film, there's no WAY the remake can live up to the original!"


    Seriously though, just check out Netflix or something and see what's there. That's where a lot of remakes and sequels you may not have been aware of go to die.


    As for the four pack DVDs, I love those fucking things. The Batman collection, Matrix collection. And my favorite, the action collection which has The Limey, Black Mask, War with Jason Statham and Jet Li, and Mean Guns which needs its own episode because it is an insane movie with Ice-T and Christopher Lambert.



    One word: "Critters"


    They get some pretty weird combinations sometimes depending who has the rights to what and if there are enough films in the series to pad it out. I think the "Rush Hour" set has parts 1 through 3 and then "Money Talks", which is also a Brett Ratner/Chris Tucker flick, but certainly more for adults than the other movies. On the other hand, sometimes there are too MANY films, so you're left with a "Dirty Harry" set that doesn't have "The Dead Pool". I just looked, and the set that "Devil's Advocate" comes in also includes "Heat", "Seven", and "Insomnia", which are all AWESOME movies...that you probably already own. I mean, who doesn't have "Seven" and "Heat" at least?


    Those things are the fucking shit, I own like 10 of them including my personal favorite, "The Ice Cube Collection"

    And it's really the only way to buy something like all of the "Hellraiser" sequels, not because it's the only way that you CAN buy them, but there's really no sense in wasting any more shelf space than you absolutely have to. I think I saw a set at Wal-Mart that had "Hellraiser" parts 3-8 and all of the "Prophecy" movies for like $7.50 or something.


    Well the funny thing about the first Matrix movie is that the director's purposely made it so that Neo never said more than five sentences in a row before his final speech at the end. Maybe that's how he should do all of his movies.



    And then that whole final speech was in voiceover, right? That reminds me of one of my pet peeves in films (though I don't think it really happens in "Matrix"), which is when there's narration or a voiceover and you can clearly tell that the person saying the words has never seen those words before, like it's a first take. I mean, those can be done over and over and edited every which way, the filmmakers and the actor saying the words can essentially cheat, and THAT'S the best they come up with? Maybe in those cases it's more of a last-minute "We need to add some sort of voiceover to spell it out for the slow kids" thing that's slapped together.

  16. i don't think keanu is the worst but my favorite guilty pleasure is the replacements, so ;_;

    I was a fan of his as a teen, and I got a new appreciation for him after my dad got to work on "Speed". To this day, watching the movie with him is like watching the DVD if the only thing you could listen to was the commentary track. Anyway, my dad was working with people that were working on the freeway, and for the most part he was just doing his normal job the whole time, except for occasionally having to toss non-English-speaking workers out of the way of speeding buses and camera vehicles (their BOSS hadn't told them to move), but managed to get fed on 20th Century Fox's dime for 6 weeks and got to know the cast and crew. He managed to take a pretty great picture of Keanu that Keanu later signed to my sister, which made for a pretty great Christmas for HER. Apparently, he forgot to get a signed shot of young, nubile, about to break big in "Demolition Man" Sandra Bullock for ME, the bastard...
