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Posts posted by thestray

  1. This will never get done. It's absolutely one of those D-level, "Gary Busey-as-a-killer-snowman" films that the crew avoids.


    They did Birdemic though, and that film is Z-level.


    But I agree that it probably won't get done because it's probably too obscure. As far as I know it's not on the Birdemic/The Room level of cult status being played in theaters. And I honestly don't think it's an amusing enough watch to ever get there.


    She's great, and it's a shame that she was given such grief over her incredibly reasonable objections to this movie and Johnny Depp playing Tonto.


    Yeah, that's kinda par for the course when you're a person pointing out that something is problematic.

    • Like 1


    It's definitely subjective, I'm not saying people can't dislike her or her acting. I just notice that criticisms of her tend to be especially vicious. I'm not saying you were, you plainly stated she's not your cup of tea. I guess I'm speaking to a broader trend I've noticed when people talk about her. I'm kind of entertained by the things people don't like her for, like her awkward interview persona or her Bitchy Resting Face.


    I know what you mean, I have nothing at all bad to say about her outside of her performance in movies. I actually like a lot of the things she has to say in interviews and such, I like when women in Hollywood push back against the media's bullshit. I don't think she's a lost cause as an actress either, I think she just hasn't been challenged. I think if they stop having her play this 1 note sullen character, she could potentially grow as a performer, and then potentially have something more to offer as a leading lady.

  4. Maybe I need to watch it again. It would help your case if you provided some bullet point of moments you found particularly stupid.


    To be honest though, when it comes to martial arts type movies I will forgive so much dumbness if the action sequences entertain me. I was kinda pleasantly surprised by this movie because I didn't expect it to be as violent as it was, and I also didn't expect the supernatural element, so that was kinda fun to me.

    • Like 1


    I'm sure there were a lot of influences at play. I dunno, I feel like people really like to dump on K-Stew and she's really not nearly as bad as she's made out to be.


    I guess it's really a subjective thing. I don't "like" to dump on K-Stew, I just honestly feel like there's no life in any character she plays. I don't think it's out of nowhere that people criticize her acting.

  6. Really? I think she did a terrible job. I didn't find her likeable or worth caring about or anything.


    The stag scene in the enchanted forest wasn't like a Disney cartoon come to life, it was a Ghibli cartoon come to life. There's no way that it wasn't "inspired" by Princess Mononoke. This film had some nice visuals, but I was so thoroughly bored during most of it, and glad someone else paid for my ticket. The Charlize Theron scenes were really the only parts I felt were worth watching because she was really going for it.

  7. The thing about horror movie franchises with a unique premise is that the first one or two movies can really make you think about that premise or what you would do in that situation, then after 3 or 4 sequels it becomes super watered down. Nightmare on Elm Street had the premise of never knowing what was real or a dream until Freddy attacked which ultimately devolved into figuring out why he was able to do what he did when it really wasn't important to the overall franchise. Saw made you wonder what you would do in a situation like what the victims were being put into, until becoming a gorefest and a message for universal healthcare.


    This movie was interesting to think about whether or not you would join in on the Purge or if you would believe in the ritual. Right from the get-go, the Ethan Hawke and Lena Headey believe in the Purge and the "good" that it does for one reason or another, while their douchebag kids aren't as sure. And while it's technically peaceful for 364 days and 12 hrs throughout the year, we as the viewer can see the threads of hatred that are lying beneath which ultimately comes to a head near the end of the movie. It was a very interesting thing to see in a modern horror movie genre which either goes towards gorefest, remake, or PG-13 dreck that is meant to scare only tweens and have hipsters talk about as if it was the scariest movie ever made.


    I think you've more or less summed up some of the reasons I don't get into horror/thriller films so often. Without an interesting story or characters I usually just feel like I'm watching another variation of attractive people running, screaming, hiding, panting, crying, bickering and being murdered in terrible ways. And without something really compelling in a horror movie I just find them like dreadful to watch, like I'm just enduring unpleasant things happening for no reason.


    Saw is a good example of horror franchise I really liked at the beginning, because like you said it's interesting to put yourself in the character's shoes and wonder if you'd make the same choices. But then it started being about how creative the deathtraps could get.


    I'd really like to see horror movies try to actually be intellectually stimulating and not just be jump scares and/or gore and the like.

    • Like 2

  8. I believe there's


    It's definitely worth a rental, especially if it usually isn't your cup of tea. The opening credits for the movie really set up possibilities for sequels as it's security cam footage, both old news footage and stuff shot for the movie, that creates a real sense of dread as people are killing each other on the street in gruesome fashion, all in the name of patriotism.


    Alrighty. I'll give it a look-see.


    In my mind the perfect thing to do with this premise is follow a couple of different characters who's paths intersect, Crash-style. When your premise asks the compelling question "what would people do if for one day there were no consequences?" you want to see that question explored in varying ways.

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  9. I'm interested in seeing where the creators take it, especially if the director's have the sequel set out in a non-upper class area where there aren't guarded houses stocked with guns, but rather in an urban setting out in the open.


    That's what I was hoping for when I heard the premise. Because a lawless America has so many possibilities. I like speculative-fiction, but horror/thriller is not a genre that typically interests me for the most part. So I'll probably wait til this is on Netflix or something to check it out.

  10. When I heard the premise of the film I thought it sounded kinda interesting, when I saw the trailer and it seemed to just focus on this one family's crisis inside their home I thought was kind of a waste of a high concept. I haven't seen it but I'm also not that curious to.

  11. Yeah I think comedies are weird territory for HDTGM, I only think comedies are good for the show if they're painfully unfunny, like The Love Guru. Identity Thief I thought could've been better, but honestly I wasn't groaning or feeling uncomfortable watching it or anything. I actually feel like this comedy isn't so much bad as it just isn't what audiences expect from a comedy anymore. I think modern comedy has become so saturated with jokes-per-minute that when a film isn't doing that we generally feel underwhelmed unless it's clearly a dramedy or something. I think comedies used to be able to get away with being more focused on character and story, and not using every moment to be funny. So I don't know, I think expectations play a really big role in how movies are percieved. Or maybe I'm crazy and this movie is just garbage. I DON'T KNOW!

  12. Really? I don't feel like this movie was remarkably bad or crazy at all, certainly not on a HDTGM-worthy level. I thought it was just a mediocre movie with some good parts. Plus I don't count it turning emotional and touching as a flaw, I thought Melissa McCarthy was really good in those scenes where she had to be serious.

  13. Yesssss, I've been hoping for a return of Ice-T! One of my favorite PFT characters.


    John Hodgman was an amazing guest. Not only was he really funny, but I think he was really skilled at responding/adding to Scott's jokes but not going off track with his story. Quality guest! Do hope to hear him on the show again!

  14. Yeah, I was gonna say that it's weird that he played the action badass in two different supernatural/religious-themed action movies. I think Paul Bettany would probably be an okay badass in a better movie. Or maybe I'm just being optimistic.

  15. Okay, every weekend I host a b-movie marathon at my apartment. Last weekend we attempted this one, and we just couldn't finish it, we just got way too bored. Then again, it was getting late and we'd already watched FUN movies like Miami Connection and Samurai Cop. Maybe I'll give it another try, but man, this was one of the most excruciatingly dull bad movies I've ever had to sit through.
