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Status Updates posted by mycleach

  1. As it toppled down from the floor above, Don Artis began to chip away at the cement with his free foot. "Damn you Pert Nelson!" he bellowed.

  2. finally, someone giving me the credit i deserve! http://t.co/STsgKhAj

  3. for a brief moment, Chris Bosh is cooler than LeBron and Wade. #socialmedia #inflatedego http://t.co/BN6M884B

  4. Howard Tulska turned to his wife, who was holding a butcher knife, and decided to continue his final thought: "But honey, I'm on the news!"

  5. in honor of adam yauch aka MCA i will be jamming out to beastie boys while studying for finals #rip

  6. Juan Carlos ate the indian food slowly, only to realize that this was no ordinary indian food. Suddenly, Nic Demps pounced out of the ferns!

  7. shouts out to @KatamariDamacy who i been rolling with since 2004

  8. Soon, a small local band will be playing at a small venue and the only people who show up will be bloggers. WHO IS READY TO ROCK THE NET!

  9. the ally oop to kosta koufas!!! #shitnoonesays

  10. The Illusion of Choice http://t.co/S8ckAtxE , yet still makes me hungry

  11. tweet number 365 goes out to the one and only #ArbitraryNumbers

  12. vh1's best week ever presents ! http://t.co/7uGn05GZ
