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Everything posted by FUCK!

  1. FUCK!

    Episode 355 - Always Be Filming

    "We don't accept you as a musical artist. We know you as a 13 year old that tried to beat up your mom." - Lotta People
  2. FUCK!

    Episode 353 - I'm Above Jamming

    I wish we could diversify these quizzes. I know nothing about these terrible pop girls.
  3. Sometimes Bob sounds a little like Jimmy Bongos
  4. I still enjoyed it! It was like a funny Bill O'Reilly interviewing a funny Bernie Sanders. Just badgering the hell out of each other.
  5. This episode... was frustrating.
  6. Based solely off his name writing abilities, I LOVE Jerico.
  7. This is so great! Did you know that American has an almost identical video? Not as good (bad?) as this Virgin one though.
  8. Wait... I was distracted-listening at work and I think I missed the big announcement. What was it?
  9. FUCK!

    Episode 472 - Pleats, Please!

    Somebody better put that woman in a loony bin!
  10. FUCK!

    Episode 321 - Woke Weekend

    I just like don't like understand how like someone can't hear themselves when they like say like every second and sometimes will get stuck in like a uhh like thing where like they just can't come up with like the words... so they just like keep repeating themselves... like.
  11. FUCK!

    Episode 316 - Fashion, Energy, Speed!

    Kevin, it could be cool to do retro charts. Like "Here are the top 5 from this week in 1980."
  12. I doubt Hannibal will see this but it helped me a bit.
  13. FUCK!

    Episode 309 - It's Okay, We're Vine

    Kevin killed it this week. Got 3 new bands to check out!
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPZDEWBzneY
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgCzbIAjnsE
  16. Makes sense! Thanks.
  17. Do homeless people like computer graphics? Can someone explain that question?
  18. These two are Chistopher Guest characters.
  19. THE LIGHT RAIL AVENGER! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGbE0L2zWbc
  20. I love Besser but this is what he looks like every time he begs people to watch his stuff in his ads.
  21. I gotta hear Besser's opinions on noodling!
  22. FUCK!

    Episode 268 - Slime Wrestling

    Oh boy... learn how to pronounce the product before you promote the company. Anyone else not as enthused about this guest as Howard is? I feel like I'm being sold a used car.
  23. FUCK!

    Episode 267 - Cheeseburgers to the Dome

    I wanna peep that camera. Anyone got a photo?