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Everything posted by denimgremlin

  1. denimgremlin

    Episode 173 โ€” Doughnut Agree

    i came here just to post about this, no millipede has thousands of legs, guess you're not that much of a bug nerd dude! from Wikipedia: "The name "millipede" is a compound word formed from the Latin roots mille ("thousand") and pes ("foot"). Despite their name, no known millipede has 1,000 legs, although the rare species Illacme plenipes has up to 750.[1] Common species have between 36 and 400 legs." i gotta admit i kinda checked out pretty early in this episode, i don't know much about mike lawrence and maybe i'm wrong i'll check his stuff out, i just didn't really find him funny. in the first 5 minutes he made a hacky joke about black women's names and praised what sounded like a terrible batman/chewbacca gay panic joke in the lego movie (i didn't see it yet, is that for real?? if so, hollywood needs to drop that bullshit). but it seems like i'm not the only one who wasn't into it maybe it's just his adam pallyish frat boy sounding voice that bugs me, but i like adam pally despite that so what the hell do i know?
  2. denimgremlin

    Episode 278 โ€” Only Tones

    my wife
  3. you should listen to James Bonding on the Nerdist network, he's not doing a character but he's still really funny and his insanely nerdy james bond obsession is so fucking charming
  4. i agree, and this episode was one of my favorite so far, i always like it better when they explore more scientific type things like this, filtering it through their pop culture lense, then when they just do straight pop culture episodes
  5. denimgremlin

    Nerd Pokerish

    it's so weird, last week was like D&D everywhere, this dead authors podcast, a d&d episode of Community, Spencer finally returns to do d&d on Harmontown after several weeks off, it was cool.
  6. denimgremlin

    Nerd Pokerish

    i just saw this too such a bummer in his honor everyone watch this awesome clip
  7. these 8 are hardly all of andy's characters too, there's Andi Calahan registered nurse( one of my personal favs whos way under rated), Gil and Golly, Bryon Dennison royal watcher, Cactus Tony, Ben Alterman, and more. it could totally keep going
  8. denimgremlin

    Episode 67 โ€” Rat Trap

    i think you may be right, and i agree, not a complaint, if it is a way of getting some episodess in when the full party isn't there i think its a pretty ingenious little side quest that fleshes out some of the mythology of the world they're in right now, not to mention it's hilarious
  9. denimgremlin

    Character Drawings

    awesome! also i was just thinking there should be a general d&d/metal/whatever else nerd pokerish non specific thread
  10. denimgremlin

    Episode 66 โ€” A New Awakening

    fuck man! this show has ruined my tuesday nights, i just want to drink myself into oblivion, pass out and wake up to a fresh episode in the morning, its worth the hangover
  11. I assume to talk about Review, has he been interviewed on a late night show before? http://www.nbc.com/late-night-with-seth-meyers
  12. denimgremlin

    Episode 66 โ€” A New Awakening

    man, i took that the total opposite way, blackie can faintly hear him then not hear him anymore, that sure sounds like sark is implying he's dead. like blackie was able to hear a faint echo cause of their telepathic link but that he's gone upstate to a farm for old stargoyles
  13. I hate myself for laughing as hard as i did at the beer with a booger in it joke.
  14. denimgremlin

    Episode 66 โ€” A New Awakening

    I think he's gone to NPC heaven to hang out with Tras, Karn and countless hostages
  15. denimgremlin

    Episode 66 โ€” A New Awakening

    i want to assume this photo was taken right after that joke
  16. i remember that episode, i gotta go back and relisten
  17. denimgremlin

    Character Drawings

    this is my first attempt at any fan art, I'm a pretty terrible drawer, but i got a spark of inspiration after today's amazing episode hopefully someone else can better render our new rat party, preferably covered in cheese
  18. denimgremlin

    Episode 65 โ€” The Cavern Explosion

    i want to drink myself in to oblivion so i can pass out and sleep through the next 8 hours. I CAN'T WAIT!
  19. denimgremlin

    Just One of the Guys (1985)

    there's tits in this thing, jason will love it!
  20. denimgremlin

    The Reincarnation of Gerry

    i just hope we don't have to wait 3 months for a new gerry character like after el ryan died
  21. i was gonna post the same thing! there's incredible artwork over at the nerd poker forums, theres got to be some cross over right?
  22. denimgremlin

    Episode 274 โ€” Oh, Golly!

    this is the best thing i've ever read on these forums
  23. i hope danny mahoney finally gives us the full story on that coat
  24. I guess Don has been filling in as Marissa's mentor now that Listler is spending all her time with Kareem