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Posts posted by denimgremlin


    I may have read too much into things, but towards the beginning Scott mentions how they used to follow MA-RON! but didn't follow him very far due to ratings. I understand that's a joke, but he later goes on to say in the plugs that whether or not people watch this season determines whether or not they get to do another season. After listening again it doesn't sound as bad as I thought though. The first time I listened things seemed a bit more cryptic than they may have intended to be.


    oh ok, I wasn't sure if there was a more explicit mention, but you know it's always going to be a question with a show like this, it's a pretty cult thing that appeals to a much more specific sense of humor than a lot of mainstream comedy shows, and particularly appeals to people like us who have a familiarity with the rhythms and sense of humor of the show so who knows. I do know they're supposed to make a lot more so fingers crossed, every tune in Friday! and serious skip the Dane Cook special, CBB is more important.

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  2. That being said the idea that CBB TV may end up on the chopping block deeply saddens me. It doesn't belong on the chopping block since it is a delightful show that makes the world happy inside and not a piece of wood that is in need of chopping.



    I haven't had a chance to listen to the episode yet so forgive me if there's new information but on the chopping block how? After these next 10 they've got an order for 40 more. That's 50 new episodes in the next year or two, not exactly on it's death bed, unless they can cancel it before then i dunno

    • Like 2

  3. just finished watching Marry Me and I was surprised at how great it was. I was a big fan of Happy Endings, so I shouldn't have been... but the conceit of the pilot was brilliant, especially the first scene. let's just hope this show doesn't go the way of most smart sitcoms on basic cable and die a swift, quiet death overnight... I'd rather see it suffer slowly over several seasons and finally end up on Friday nights where they force it to its figurative knees and put a bullet in its figurative head.


    in short, fuck NBC and all these other networks that fill up the schedules with low-brow, pandering nonsense so shows like this one get the axe just because most the network's viewership are lower than the lowest common denominator. as they say, the tallest blade of grass always the first to be cut... rant rant rant, etc.






    jesus, what am I saying...? we're in the golden age of television here, people. REJOICE!


    I watched it and loved it as well. one of the best sitcom pilots I've seen in a long time.


    it was really great, the cast is awesome (gemberlicking is going to be the mvp of this show) and the writing is top notch, so many funny scenes, they somehow made a joke about the Challenger disaster work completly

  4. I hate to be the one to go back to this same old response, but fuck it it never stops being worthwhile remembering. it's free, they do all the work, you literally have to do nothing but have it served up to you, and it's Paul's fucking podcast so yeah he's gonna do whatever he wants. get over it

    • Like 4

  5. whoa! I had a dream about Tom last night where i was interviewing him about when the Best Show would be back. As Best Show dreams go it was pretty standard but the timing is a funny coincidence. Still doesn't beat the time i had a dream where AP Mike sold me cheese out of the truck of his car in the parking lot of Shea Stadium, the cheese had a label that said "warning may contain bees"

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  6. amazing episode!


    I don't normally post stuff like this cause i think it's dorky and pointless but i can't help it, I've got such a crush on all the ladies from Wild Horses, all incredibly funny and total babes as well!


    anyway, i loved this episode, a chick with a hole for an ear getting a piercing at Claire's, a subtle Tracy Reardon reference??


    also, Lauren's Irish accent is almost as good as Scott's in the Patrick Mcmahon podcast!

    • Like 1

  7. Part of the problem, I think, is that the characters keep walking away from everything the DM prepares for them. Props to Blaine for being able to deal with that, but it does mean that the game basically consists of the players wandering around aimlessly and waiting for things to happen to them. They don't care about anything. In the first season, they had something to care about - the Collectors, and the old guy stealing souls. There's nothing like that here.


    I said early on this season that they need a hook to drag them into the adventure, but if you provide hooks and the characters consistently ignore them and walk in the other direction, there's not a lot you can do other than try and hook them with something else later.


    It doesn't help to that they have a similar but reversed party imbalance like the last party was all fighters, this party is weak and more prone to avoiding encounters than dealing with them.

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    The internet is real life, I hate when people treat it as anything else. This person expressed his REAL point of view.


    That being said, his criticism toward Cam'ron is perfectly legitimate. Using a stereotype as a crutch is something that needs to be addressed for all comedians. My favorite comedians are not guilty of using such a crutch, but adversely some of my favorite comedians, and some of their best bits, rely heavily on this crutch. This is why I don't know exactly where I stand on the argument in terms of how it's used in comedy, but I will definitely agree that it's a crutch and relying so heavily on it is a problem in terms of comedic integrity.


    who are your favorite comedians? do they have any type of personal material? if not then that's fine if it's all just esoteric, surreal, non sequiturs then whatever that's their style you can claim they don't use "stereotypes" as you say but people who do comedy about themselves and their personal lives use those ideas and make comedy out of them because they affect them all the time and are important to them.


    example, would you tell Kumail Nanjiani to just shut up all ready about talking about being from Pakistan (or being a nerd for that matter)? that it's a crutch and making his comedy have less integrity?


    and what is "comedic integrity" in your opinion? since your favorite comedians don't use any type of crutch you're clearly an evolved comedy fan, please enlighten me.


    maybe i'm getting to sarcastic,


    here's my REAL point of view. you're a fucking moron and assholes policing comedy is what needs to be addressed for all comedians.

    • Like 7

  9. This bit came together so well at the end it seems like it must have been planned for years. Which is double impressive considering it was obviously entirely made up on the spot.


    i love how this episode came together too. It got me thinking how PFT character's seem to frequently incorporate the non character guest in such a funny way, like how by the end of this Cameron was basically the Robin to JW's Batman, or how Gillian Jacobs is now inexorably linked to the Gerry Marshall mythos or how John Hodgeman and Ice T are both honorary Whiffenpoofs.

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  10. I honestly never noticed they did not know the names of black actors over white actors. I just always laugh at whatever bullshit name they give them (e.g. Not-quite Tom Skerritt).


    that's because that's just not true. they always give actors and character's random names or not remember their name at all as you pointed out with "not tom skerritt" as well as tons of others in every single movie they do. hubcap and turkey sub, baby helen hunt, etc. etc. etc. if i list every one i'll be here all day.

  11. Can we talk about the weirdness of Paul Banks not playing music on this episode? I don't think Scott has ever booked a non-comedy musical guest* just for chit-chat. I'm thinking there must have been a misunderstanding, like Scott inviting Banks on with the assumption that he'd perform, but Banks thinking he was just coming on as a regular guest. The episode turned out well, but the presence of the Interpol guy was pretty awkward outside of a musical context.


    *muuuuusical guest

    awkward how?


    I thought he played along great and was really funny considering. there's been actual comedians on who have been less funny and game for what CBB is than Paul was, I was actually surprised how well it went


    it didn't feel any different than when they have filmmakers or non comedic actors or somebody not really in the comedy world as a guest.

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  12. This makes me think by the way that Pete Holmes - although I love him - would be the worst possible guest theoretically possible for this podcast. There is a 0% that more than 10 words of D&D play would occur that episode. Tangent city


    yeah I agree.


    I love Pete the comedian, I really like Pete the podcast host, I liked Pete the tv host, I even usually enjoy Pete the podcast guest but Pete trying to focus for even a second of D&D would be a trainwreck.
