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Posts posted by denimgremlin

  1. Woohoo! Saucerman on the show again! Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one who Gooby made them think of the weird dog/bear guy that was blowing a dude in The Shining. I couldn't find a photoshop of them merged, so I went ahead and made one. Way scarier than the Kubrick version to me.




    EDIT: Just checked the thread for the main ep (episode) and saw that user 'must turd' had done a great job with this exact concept last week. Oh well. Here's another one to haunt your dreams everyone.


    aah! yours is way better photoshopped than mine, and way creepier hahaha, good work

  2. wow! I was nervous going into this one because for some reason I remembered being underwhelmed by victor and tiny the last time (i think i was thinking of Bernie Fretts looking back on it) but fuck I gotta go back and listen to the first one again because they knocked this one out of the park, that podcast...incredible.


    plus Kumail as always was top notch, I still don't really get what Jonah Ray is all about, I think he seems like a good guy and he's been a big part of the comedy scene for a long time, I just don't think he's that funny, but if he gets more comedy shows with good comedians on tv and shit then he's cool in my book.

    • Like 3


    It seems to me that James has ALWAYS garnered mixed reactions. His bits are going to be polarizing because he often goes to really weird places. For example, most people seemed to hate the Dr Bronner character and Tim and Eric's reaction to the character within the episode - if you look at the feedback for that episode on here, it was mostly negative. Same with Merill Schindler and that character goes back to 2010 on CDR/CBB.


    I always find James Adomian funny. I can't think of a single Adomian episode that I dislike. I love the way that he interacts with the other guests - he's sort of unlike any of the other character players in the way that he interacts with both Scott and the celebrity guests. It's often abrasive and can sometimes go to very bizarre places, but to me, funny is funny. And James is funny every single time IMO.


    James is a fucking genius and as far as I'm concerned anyone who doesn't like his stuff can fuck right off. Go listen to Prairie Home Companion you wimps.

    • Like 1

  4. Neil's character wasn't that great but it kinda got salvaged towards the end. I loved the very end where Scott said he hoped to see more of him and Neil just say that's hiiighly unlikely.


    yeah I agree, they can't all be winners but Neil's got a free pass to try whatever he wants at this point in my book

    • Like 3


    Episode 59, Free Subarus for Moms




    August Lindt's first appearance on the show, in which he tells Scott all about his travel adventures and suicide plans. Or are you saying Scott made a mistake because his plans didn't involve a heavy coat?


    Also has Todd Glass and Paul F. Tompkins. Great episode--you should definitely hear it if you haven't yet.

    I can't speak for Aaron Freaking Singer but I think he's well aware of that episode


    Scott mixed up August Lindt's suicidal ambitions with Danny Mahoney's appearance way back in episode 14 were he say's he's going to kill himself by wearing a heavy coat (I wish I know more about that coat!) and walking into the ocean.


    I think that's what he was joking about




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  6. Your dated "generation X" style of berating Ernest makes you look even more outdated, and goddamn you all have the most annoying fucking douchebag "I'M IN THE BIIIZZ" LA shithead voices I've ever heard. I listen to this show as some odd anomoly of what delusional asswipes do in their spare time to impress each other and "advace my careeerr"


    are you doing a character? cause it's not working

    • Like 2

  7. There's so many big budget movies that they can shit on.... and they keep dredging up B movies that nobody's heard of....


    I kinda agree, plus only an hour? look before you all go "oh boo hoo complaining about a free podcast" i'm only saying that because A. we're only getting it once a month, which I'm fine with, but if we have to wait that long between episodes we should at least get a decent length episode, they've proven they can do an hour and a half or two hours easy if the movie and guest are really great and B. this movie clearly didn't have much they wanted to say anything about even though they said it was packed with ideas, they barely discussed anything, they had done no research, two of them hadn't even seen Easy Rider to begin with.


    but, really i don't care, as long as they keep making episodes, i'm only complaining out of HDTGM withdrawal, i need more than an hour a month!!

    • Like 1

  8. Here's the really fucked up thing about the mother's suicide thing, Peter Fonda's mother committed suicide in real life!!


    The idea of Wyatt's mother killing herself is almost certainly taken from the famous New Orleans graveyard scene in Easy Rider where the cast was actually on acid and Dennis Hopper supposedly kept talking to Peter Fonda about his mother to make him cry and freak out about her death.


    • Like 1

  9. So far, for drawings sake, we have:

    (This may help us draw the characters, please amend)!

    1) Houg (Hug) Denning: Ken + Doug Henning Illusionist. Human

    2) Lyra: Rogue/Thief, dagger, short sword. Human (?).

    3) Dag Darkomen: Fighter, looks like the wrestler Undertaker mixed w Brian. Large Axe, leather trenchcoat, familiarity with death. Cousin of Amarth.

    4) Winter: Mage, uses magic missles, human (?).

    Any help would be appreciated!


    Lyra is a half-elf i believe

  10. Also they record a few episodes at a time, and they don't check the forums as much as they did under Sark's reign. There's no use getting upset when they're probably not reading this. I'm sure somebody's tweeted to Brian or Blaine or Gerry or Ken or Sarah.


    what he said ^
