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Andy Dick Cheney

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Everything posted by Andy Dick Cheney

  1. Andy Dick Cheney

    EPISODE 99 โ€” Paul Rust Again, Our Close Friend

    Now there's a solid reference you can rest your hat on
  2. Andy Dick Cheney

    EPISODE 99 โ€” Paul Rust Again, Our Close Friend

    You've earned this one babes
  3. Andy Dick Cheney

    EPISODE 99 โ€” Paul Rust Again, Our Close Friend

    We all strive for a Hayes Like or a Sean Like or an ADC like but sometimes you get one of these and you know everything is just gonna be swell:
  4. Andy Dick Cheney

    EPISODE 99 โ€” Paul Rust Again, Our Close Friend

    Hey guys. I won't get to listen to the Hollywood Handbook podcast for a day or 2 but I am very excited for it. I'm currently on a tour of the places that shaped Hayes and Sean's life to try and get to the root of what makes them tick. I'm in Beverly Hills right now interviewing people on the street just to see how their lives have been influenced by Our Boys. BUT While in Boston, I encountered one of My Boys and I could not have been more exhilarated:
  5. Hi Paul Neil Young famously said that "Rust never sleeps". Is this true or are you guys just old friends and he was playin'?
  6. This is Hayes Davenport, one of the hosts of the show.
  7. This is Sean Clements, one of the hosts of the show.
  8. Here's a Probst tidbit. He's married to Zach Morris' ex wife. What a Baller. Great to have John Cochran on. Hope he does the "If the glove don't fit line" but updates it for the 21st century. hahahahahahahaha!! Ask your D's. A classic Alan joke there which brings me on to my upcoming Netflix Stand Up Special. I've been crafting this material for months now and it's finally nice to reveal it to the world. I like to tackle the big social issues instead of trying to be funny. "Alan Live. Coming to Netflix September 11th @ 11:69pm." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jijlhOu7VFQ I'm traveling to LA next week for some promo work so keep an eye on YITR, Totally Laime, Nocturnal Emotions and Eardrop and you may hear a familiar voice. #DoinIt4TheFans
  9. Andy Dick Cheney

    Episode 97 โ€” Julie Klausner, Our Close Friend

    Just reading back through my old posts. Thought this one was interesting from a CBB thread in July, 2013:
  10. Andy Dick Cheney

    Episode 97 โ€” Julie Klausner, Our Close Friend

    After last week's too cool for butts attitude, Sean silences the h8rs with his now classic "APIHGAI".1 So you got Hayes likes Butts. You got Sean likes Butts. And you got one of the all time great podcasts. If you don't believe me, check out the last 6 month of episodes. AND if you wanna hear the classics from 7 months ago. Well, you're shit out of luck babes. Here are some pictorial highlights for those on Android: 1. Obviously "APIHGAI" is "Al Pacino in Heat Great Ass Impression"
  11. Anything older that 6 months old will more than likely be taken down today so get downloading HH and RSS if you want archives. Also get Mike Detective too because I said so and I'm beloved.
  12. Show Show Throw .......... back Rudy's all grown up. All I gotta do is show up
  13. Looks like Hayes has got his hand on Tom's Butt. It's hard to tell from the pic but there's no way to disprove it. Sean looks like he's too cool for Butts but I think deep down he likes Butts IRL. I always wondered if Hayes was a Butt guy. Kept me up at night, tossing and turning. I feel like this is affirmation. Gives me a deeper understanding of his psyche. I think it will lead me to enjoy the podcast more. AND it has. V good episode. Can't believe Leann Rimes drinks 7 UP. Great ads. The Earwolf Store ad is always a good ol laugh. The ads on this podcast in general are funnier than 82% of all other podcasts combined. P.S Veebs was recently telling me that not only are "Airplane Food" jokes hackneyed but using "Airplane Food" as a kind purposefully lame comedy reference is also hackneyed. I think that she secretly has a joke that covers both angles that she thinks is killer so bear that in mind if she posts one. Probably best to "Like" it if she does. BYE
  14. Andy Dick Cheney

    Episode 95 โ€” Mike Still, Our Close Friend

    Tom, Would you?
  15. Andy Dick Cheney

    Episode 95 โ€” Mike Still, Our Close Friend

    Mr Scharpling, As a podcaster, how do you feel when a podcast inconspicuously drops a popular segment where they present questions to their guest that have been submitted by a gallery of their fans, a "popcorn gallery" if you will, only to return to the segment WEEKS later without explanation? JK. Hahahahaha My real question is: Do you like butts?
  16. Andy Dick Cheney

    Episode 95 โ€” Mike Still, Our Close Friend

    Hey guys, Just dropping by to say I'll no longer be listening to this p great podcast. Unfortunately my ability to experience and enjoy comedy has been forever destroyed. Recently I journeyed through all 49 (49!!) episodes of the TBS show "My Boys". I did this as a running gag which endeared me to a bunch of much cooler kids I was trying to impress but the whole experience has left me hollow. Maybe 20 or 30 years from now I will have recovered and I'll flick on "Dave Thomas, Our Close Friend" and be able to laugh again but for now I'm stranded on an Island of mediocrity and I have no one to blame but myself. Please remember me fondly.
  17. Andy Dick Cheney

    Episode 95 โ€” Mike Still, Our Close Friend

    Guys, which one is Sean? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahaa hahahahahaha hahaha ha I'm kidding. Looking forward to the episode. Usually a good listen so check it out if you're on the fence. Edit: Just listened now. Good episode. Very reminiscent of the Seinfeld episode where they talk about masturbation without directly saying it, Chinese Restaurant.
  18. Andy Dick Cheney

    Episode 94 โ€” Hayley Huntley, Hayes' Daughter

    Very good ep. I love some Cody bashing as I feel Cody is such a top Lad and he can handle the banter. I've also found out today that, unbeknownst to myself, I am a 2 TIME PRO VERSIONER. Thanks to my dear friend nohorseman for alerting me that I had received said honour under a previous username and had somehow missed it. Probably laughing too much. Pretty swell right? Expect my inevitable episode appearance in the coming weeks. Ya boy out!
  19. Andy Dick Cheney

    Episode 93 โ€” Patrick Walsh, Our Close Friend

    Haven't posted or looked at the thread this week. I'm sure you all noticed and were very worried and expectant. Just wanted to state that this episode was excellent. Definitely top 10 maybe top 5. Great intro. Great interview. About to listen to this week's episode. I'm looking forward to it. And, just so you don't think I've lost it, here's a joke: 69 Hahahaha p good right?
  20. Andy Dick Cheney

    EPISODE 92 โ€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HA HA HA HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHA HAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHA HAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHA HAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHA HAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHA HAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHA HAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHA HAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHA HAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHA HAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHA HAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHA HAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHA HAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHA HAaaaaaaaaaaaaa HA HAaaaaaaaaaaaHA HAaaaaaaaaaHA HAaaaaaaaHA HAaaaaHA HAaaHA HAHA HAaaHA HAaaaaHA HAaaaaaaHA HAaaaaaaaaHA HAaaaaaaaaaaHA HAaaaaaaaaaaaaHA HAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHA HAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HA Great stuff this week. I'm glad the old "quality not quantity" adage no longer applies. Definitely not way too many posts. Such a relief.
  21. Andy Dick Cheney

    Episode 91 โ€” Tom Scharpling, Our Close Friend

  22. Andy Dick Cheney

    Episode 91 โ€” Tom Scharpling, Our Close Friend

    I like my coffee how I like my forum. Respectful, reverential, wantonly erotic, friendly and funny. Oh and good gifs from Dixon.
  23. Andy Dick Cheney

    Episode 91 โ€” Tom Scharpling, Our Close Friend

    Four score and 91 episodes ago Hayes and Sean brought forth on this podcast network a new podcast, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men and women are in need of scoops. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that forum, or any forum so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that forum. We have come to dedicate a portion of that forum, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that forum might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate, we can not consecrate, we can not hallow this forum. The brave men and women, living and dead, who posted funny stuff here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the popcorn gallery, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before usโ€”that from these honored posters we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of hilarityโ€”that we here highly resolve that these posters shall not have posted in vainโ€”that this forum, under Sean and Hayes, shall have a new birth of good postsโ€”and that government of the forum, by the posters, for the poster, shall not perish from the forum.