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Everything posted by Bernard_Shakey

  1. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 453 - Unblocked and Unlocked

    I'm only half way through the ep but still holding out hope Scott will say the phrase "Eden ain't cheatin'."
  2. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 84 - Memory Gremlin

    He Lives! Thank the maker. (also is anyone else picking up on the sexual chemistry between Arnie and the memory gremlin?)
  3. Bernard_Shakey

    Pancakes for dinner? Hey, Its 9am somewhere

    Give it the old 10 month bump, eh?
  4. OMG, my sweet Usidore! Everyone pour out some Red Potion in his honor.
  5. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 449 - Nasty Lyrics

    Pepsi Next ad > Skyn condoms ad
  6. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 447 - These Are the Worst

    Maybe you're right. But is this the place for it? This is the Earwolf website. The place hosting the show that's recorded at the Earwolf studios. I'm sure there have been plenty of guests on the show that have checked out these boards after their appearance. Would you walk up to a standup after their set and tell them they weren't funny? Even if 95% of the people who spoke to that person, were complimentary, they're still gonna remember those 5% who just had to express their disappointment.
  7. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 447 - These Are the Worst

    Did anyone else who saw the first ep of "Take My Wife", notice the cameo appearance we made in it? In the ep, Cameron had just done a podcast appearance and was getting shit on the next day by a bunch of trolls online, saying she wasn't funny and all she talks about is how she's a lesbian. (Yeah, that was us.) Rhea, (on Harmontown, I think) confirmed this was based on actual events that occurred after appearing on the Comedy Bang Bang podcast. We are all here because we love the show and the Choctaw. He chooses all the guests. If you had a negative reaction to a guest, a character or an episode, keep that negativity to yourself. We don't wanna hear that shit. And don't get defensive when other members call you out on your bad behavior. These are some pretty elementary social guidelines that shouldn't even need to be stated.
  8. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 447 - These Are the Worst

    Man, I miss a week on the boards and come back to this. I love it! I have a lot to say. ^Sounds like banana talk to me. ^That's your first post?! Wow, the boy who posted this really sucks.^ Wow, you know things are going bad when reading CORPSEFUCKER SHITLORD is a palate cleanser. Love ya' CSL! Sick Burns. Great ep. Is this even a thread? Woke AF! ^This guy gets it.^ I missed you Syme.
  9. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 448 - Master of Horror

    I can't wait for the new semen.
  10. I'm really digging these last two musical episodes. I'm might have to mention that last song, "I'm horny" to Frank Pulaski III, for a video-lization.
  11. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 445 - Sully Goose

    Michelle Biloon IS funny! She was a great co-host.
  12. Bernard_Shakey

    Old habits Die Hard. New habits Leathal Weapon.

    Congrats, but now you gotta change your name to 'Father' Mark Dowling.
  13. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 444 - Mind Your Please and Questions

    Still wanted a clown horn and a "good one".
  14. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 444 - Mind Your Please and Questions

    This thread is getting pretty damn good. We might be able to take on those Handbook kids in the Battle Royale after all.
  15. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 444 - Mind Your Please and Questions

    Talkin' Pang
  16. It's a classic Jack Handy, Deep Thought "Deep Thoughts" segment, Saturday Night Live, 1991. https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Talk:Jack_Handey#.22walk_a_mile_in_their_shoes.22_quote
  17. The best-laid plans of mice and men, often go awry. Usually it's the mice, and they're all like, "Oh my god, was that tonight? I forgot we had plans."
  18. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 79 - Real Estate Agent

    That's some serious synergy Earwolf! McConville can't be beat.
  19. Scott wanted Scott to take this line again, clean, so as to have a ringtone or such. Here's something I threw together. If you like it, leave a comment so the talented Engineers might take notice. Thanks
  20. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 443 - This Is Your Boy Troy

    Thanks Face
  21. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 443 - This Is Your Boy Troy

    I made a song out of Scott and Scott dialog from this ep. I posted it as a "Plugs Song Submission" so if you are so inclined, give it a like or a comment. I ain't never had played a plugs song of mine. http://forum.earwolf.com/topic/38407-you-suck-it-out-of-a-bone/
  22. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 443 - This Is Your Boy Troy

    Fogerty at his peak. Guitar designers at their worst.
  23. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 443 - This Is Your Boy Troy

    Coulda just called this one Episode 23.
  24. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 442 - Atlantis Dire Warning

    You say you don't think anyone was being intentionally racist, but you also say "Ming's accent is clearly making fun of the way her family speaks English." and "these (probably monolingual) white guys are making fun of people like her family because their accents aren't flawless..." If I may digress; Personally, I have always been fascinated with voices, accents and impersonations. Since I was a child I have always done impersonations and silly voices. Of course every single one of them was a rip off of Dana Carvey's impressions. Part of the reason I fell in love with the Comedy Bang Bang podcast was due to James Adomian. His impressions were so dead on! Gary Busey, Alan Rickman, Dr. Bronner etc. When I first heard Ming, on his first appearance, I was again astonished at this audibly unique, yet consistent voice. I listened back to Ming just now and must say that, to me, he is speaking perfect English. He is just doing so, with an accent. So for me it begs the question, (to use a colloquialism) 'Yo, is this racist?' I would agree that if he were portraying his character (which is clearly Asian) in a negative way that this could be offensive. But is just doing an accurate impression of a dialect of a language that is not natively yours, inherently offensive? I'm not sure. Nick Krolls over the top Aussie character could be but what about Andy Daly's Byron Denniston, Royal Watcher from across the pond. (a seemingly benign accent/impression) Again these are just my thoughts as a privileged white American male and I of course recognize your feelings may differ and are certainly valid.
  25. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 442 - Atlantis Dire Warning

    Man, I hope not. If so, I must have missed it. I did notice DraftKings is back. I don't care for it and wish Scotty would pass on these advertisers. Make Content not War