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Posts posted by MikeSigle

  1. I watched it on Chill last week, and while it was "better" than I thought (in that it wasn't painfully self-aware, only mildly), I don't think it would translate well to an episode of HDTGM, only because it's crazy for all the same reasons as the first one. I'm not sure there's much new to talk about, other than a few extra-insane lines of dialogue.

  2. I feel like the HDTGM crew could spend 30 minutes on three topics alone:


    - Product placement. Wow, just wow: this may have set a new bar for advertising in film. After seeing the film, I couldn't shake the feeling that I wanted to rent a UHaul, grab some breakfast at IHOP, then go to Sears and load that UHaul up. What boggled my mind is that they had to use CG on some of the placement because it is not possible for the camera to have two different focus points at large distances (the scene of the Sears logo over Superman's shoulder stands out as one that drove me crazy).


    - The amount of fucks given by this film for human life: 0. As someone else pointed out in this thread, millions of people died, many of which could have been avoided had Superman not been so reckless in his fighting. Also, that last fight with Zod headed quickly towards "Peter Griffin vs. Giant Chicken" self-parody territory in my mind.


    - Krypton. Why couldn't the whole movie have been a prequel about Krypton? Sure, it was over the top, but it was the kind of ridiculousness that was fascinating.
