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Savannah Nix

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About Savannah Nix

  • Rank
    Production Manager

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  1. Savannah Nix

    The Forum Forum

    How dare you, Tim? I mean it in the spirit in which The Divine Miss M intended. You're all my precious angels!
  2. Savannah Nix

    The Forum Forum

    Hey, Kristopher! We've recently moved the store from the owner's garage to a proper facility in Virginia! We've been experiencing some delays and issues with communicating during the transition, and we're so sorry about that. I'm giving you information to my store manager, who should contact you soon about the status of your order. Thank you for your support and patience-- you're the wind beneath our wings!
  3. Savannah Nix

    Any info on Nerd Poker ep 89?

    The Nerds were slightly delayed this week-- episode 89 will be out Friday!
  4. CAN WE TALK ABOUT STARD'S V-O WORK?! Honestly. So metal.
  5. Scott Aukerman of Comedy Bang! Bang! fame and Earwolf co-founder joins Jeff to discuss a big change: Jeff is moving out of his role as Earwolf and Midroll Media CEO to become Chairman of the company. They talk about the early days of Earwolf, and some of the challenges of being a boss, whether it's running a television show or a podcast network. Of course, they also talk about why Jeff is making this change, and why it's a good thing for the company.
  6. The preliminary round is over, and now is your time to vote! Vote as often as you like till Friday, August 1st! Let's get those boys some t-shirts!! Get on to voting!
  7. Savannah Nix

    Who Charted Fan Fiction

    Chartists! Sure, you wonder about what Koopie and Wie do when they aren't on air. What does Dragon Manor really look like? What if Rocky could talk? THese questions plague chartists everywhere... but have you ever written it out?! We know some of you have, and we encourage you to post it here! Let your imaginations run wild, and have fun, but please remember that anything our moderators deem raunchy will be subject to removal.
  8. Savannah Nix

    Shout out for Austin?

    Hello! You're not alone in your love of Brian and everything he does! He has many WONDERFUL fans just like you guys, and the list of generous donors is long. I'll send your note to Brian so he can be sure to give you some on-air love. Thanks for listening, and happy ratting!
  9. It's true! Watch for Andy's official launch on Thursday, February 6th! SO. Exciting.
  10. Savannah Nix

    Contact form?

    Hey there, meepzork!! I have checked in on the status of your order, and made a note for our store manager to handle it ASAP. Thanks for your patience! Please feel free to contact me directly at savannah@earwolf.com if you have any further issues.
  11. Savannah Nix

    Contact form?

    Heya, Kickpuncher! Firstly, I want to apologize for the difficulty you experienced. Gabe, our tech genius, is checking out the issues with the Captcha and looking over the store's e-mail account. Earwolf was inundated with orders and requests during the holiday season to a degree we've never seen before, and we were unfortunately caught off guard. Secondly, we have a wonderful young man in charge of the store now, and he's been working hard to catch up and get all correspondence answered/orders shipped in a timely fashion. I see that he sent your order on January 3rd, so it should be arriving soon! If you have any further issues, please feel free to contact me directly at savannah@earwolf.com. Thanks, and happy 2014!