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Blast Hardcheese

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Everything posted by Blast Hardcheese

  1. Blast Hardcheese

    The Dead Pool (1988)

    The fifth (and last) installment in the Dirty Hairy series, The Dead Pool is kind of a bananas film when you break it down. Clint Eastwood gives yet another fine performance (this dude's acting chops can't be denied, even when paired with a chimp, a Cadillac or an empty chair). The rest of this film is enjoyably silly. *Jim Carey lip-syncing to Guns and Roses' "Welcome to the Jungle." *A car chase involving a remote control car being driven by the killer who is also driving a car. Through the clogged streets of San Francisco, no less. *Liam Neeson and his certain set of skills. *Rich people/suspects betting on when people will die, and then are themselves killed. *Dirty Harry searching for a catchphrase. This isn't so much a bad movie as a good-ish movie with bonkers elements in it.
  2. Blast Hardcheese

    Troop Beverly Hills (1989)

    Yes. Yes! And thrice YES! This movie - and Frozen Assets, which also stars Shelley Long - is absolute garbage. I remember thinking while watching this movie, "She left Cheers for this?!?" It needs to be done on HDTGM.
  3. Dan, sorry it's taken me this long to thank you for the info above. Better late than never, right? Thank you for taking the time to write these instructions out. I really appreciate it.
  4. Blast Hardcheese

    Mortdecai (2015)

    I guess my problem with Olivia Munn is the same problem I have with anyone cashing-in on the whole "nerds are cool now" trend. She didn't put in her time or pay her dues. She was just handed a position at G4 based on her appearance, not her established knowledge or reverence for the culture. G4 seemed like Munn's gateway to stardom, and not a lifestyle she was sincerely invested in. Yeah, she looks great in a Leia bikini, but there's always been something pandering and manufactured about her. I'm not at all surprised that she was a total diva while at G4 or hooked her wagon to a professional football player.
  5. Blast Hardcheese

    Fantastic Mr. Fox

    Yeah, I get what you're saying. I've seen that a couple of times, too. I actually like Wes Anderson’s films. He has a distinct and individualistic style and voice. There’s no one out there doing quite what he does. Sure, he borrows elements from other filmmakers (Francois Truffaut pops immediately to mind), but I think Anderson – much like Tarantino—incorporates his influences in a fresh and vibrant way that are wholly his own. I like the static, picture book-like two-person framing shots he’s fond of using in his films, his carefully curated soundtracks (hipster-hate him all you want, but you can’t deny that the guy has great taste in music) and his reliable stable of actors. I like Anderson’s style, and I’m never disappointed watching his whimsically melancholy films.
  6. Blast Hardcheese

    Mortdecai (2015)

    Here, here! Oh, for the love of... Give me Kerry Byron (smart, funny, tough as nails) over this opportunist poseur any day of the week.
  7. Blast Hardcheese

    Hollow Man

    In the scene where Invisible Bacon is groping the sleeping lady scientist from Treme: were her boobs CGI'd?
  8. A friend of a friend posted this on Facebook tonight and I had to share it here: http://www.bored.com/articles/marilyn-manson-turning-nicolas-cage-you-be-judge/ Someone make a movie with these two as brothers. PLEASE!!!
  9. Blast Hardcheese

    The Postman (1997)

    I think Nolan ripped-off the statue reveal scene at the end of The Dark Knight Rises from this film.
  10. Blast Hardcheese

    Van Helsing (2004)

    How has the incomprehensible piece-of-shit movie not been done yet?
  11. Blast Hardcheese

    Top picks for guest

    April Richardson from Go Bayside! She's hilarious, has a great smokey voice (and laugh), and is no stranger to the podcast game.
  12. Blast Hardcheese

    Fantastic Mr. Fox

    I just watched Snowpiercer for a second time the other night and found it to be bonkers enjoyable. The school teacher in the second act steals the show.
  13. Blast Hardcheese

    Fantastic Mr. Fox

    On your moped, right?
  14. Blast Hardcheese

    Episode 102.5 — Minisode 102.5

    ...and then you get to the "big reveal" - the revelation that makes the title of this film both make sense and not make any sense at all - and you want to throw your TV out the window. But then you end up giving it a hug, instead. A really big, meaningful hug; because you know your television has suffered enough already. (((ZORDOZ! ZORDOZ!)))
  15. Blast Hardcheese

    Next of Kin (1989)

    As close as we can hope to get to a decent Roadhouse sequel (and no, Roadhouse 2: Last Call does not count). Rednecks versus the mob. Liam Neeson as a hillbilly. Ben Stiller as a villain! Patrick Swayze being all Patrick Swayze (would you have him any other way?) A highly entertaining, sheeit-kickin' good time.
  16. Blast Hardcheese

    Mortdecai (2015)

    Yeah, but does she even still do nerdy/tech-y stuff anymore?
  17. Blast Hardcheese

    Fantastic Mr. Fox

    Seriously? If you're recommending this for HDTGM, then I'm afraid not only do you not know what constitutes a bad movie, but you don't really get this podcast. I understand that it's the hip thing to say you hate Wes Anderson movies, but c'mon!
  18. Blast Hardcheese

    God's Not Dead

    While I enjoy the simple conceit of this movie that all believers are martyrs whose religious beliefs are under constant attack - and it's up one plucky believer student to *a-hem* crusade against anti-religious tyranny - I don't quite understand Professor Sorbo's homework assignment, which is the catalyst for this movie. Having no desire to actually spend money or time watching this film, I get the idea from the trailer that the non-believing professor requires that all students in his class sign a paper stating that "God is dead," or else face an immediate failing grade. Right? Like, he gets these sheets of paper back from his students illustrating that they've all fallen in line with viewpoint and feels better about himself? Is this a semester-long study with the end result being that all students parrot what the professor told them to say? Was this part of the curriculum mentioned in the class outline? What class is this, even? Like, when he gets these papers back from his students all saying the exact same thing he told them to say under threat of receiving or not receiving a passing grade, is the professor all, like, "Right on! I knew I was right. Suck it, God!"? Is the moral of this movie, "Groupthink outside of church is brainwashing - especially in college."? This movie comes across more like people who have never been to college's view of what they actually believe happens in a college classroom. Like a Jack Chick comic pamphlet come to celluloid life. This hokey movie was tailor made for the simpleminded, completely pandering to religious acolytes and kneejerk neo-pawns alike. So: par for the course as far as these things go, I guess.
  19. Blast Hardcheese

    Leonard Part 6

    That's why, now more than ever, we need the soothing balm of comedy to heal our collective wounds. Also, I just want to hear Zooks go off.
  20. Blast Hardcheese

    Mortdecai (2015)

    I went to the Patton Oswalt book signing at Powell's Books last night, and he mentioned that, as an upcoming guest, he is really going to be petitioning to get this movie reviewed on HDTGM. So, huzzah! Also: Am I'm I the only person who can't stand Olivia Munn, who co-stars in this film? Yeah, she's easy on the eyes, but she can't act, isn't funny and has that whole fake nerd T&A act that I find pandering and grating.
  21. Blast Hardcheese

    Robocop 2 (1990)

    There are so, so, so many reasons why RoboCop 2 is a horrible movie, but here is a whittled-down list of 10: 1. RoboCop going back to being robotic despite regaining his humanity (and name) by the end of the first film. 2. Blue armor. 3. That tepid and cheesy theme music noodling. 4. The Old Man switching from being “ …a sweet old man… ” who means well, to a cutthroat corporate raider who sends a robot to kill elected officials. 5. Robo stalking his wife, only to have that thread dropped before the beginning of the second act (seriously, you could edit these scenes out, and it wouldn’t make any difference to the story at all). 6. Odd, jarring tone shifts that trade mind-numbing violence for forced comedy, minus the sly satire and commentary of the original. 7. The novelty kid criminal we’re supposed to be shocked by, and his laughable, undeserved death bed scene. 8. RoboCop on a motorcycle. A motorcycle! 9. The designer drug set to sweep the nation that Cain has a monopoly on? It has a cool neon skull logo. 10. The completely unsatisfying ending complete with nonsensical line closer: “We’re only human”?!? What does that even mean within the context of this movie??? Robo talks like a robobot. He forsakes his wife. Even when the kajillion prime directives are purged from his system via electric shock, he still walks and talks like a robot. This film threw away that conceit the moment Robo emerged from his bullet-and-missile-ridden patrol car. I LOVE the first RoboCop, but this sequel is a piece of shit; double that sentiment for the third film.
  22. Yeah, yeah: quadruple guilty of starting a new post while one exists. Sorry ...again. So, since I just got ragged on for doing this twice in two separate posts, would someone tell me how to see if a movie recommendation has been posted. I tried following the example in the second post on this thread, and bupkis. I just ended up getting lost in the Earwolf forums section. C'mon. Hold my hand and how me how it's done.
  23. Blast Hardcheese

    Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever (2002)

    Oh, you c'mon, yourself. These good bad movie recommendations are getting buried under a let of so-so ones.
  24. Blast Hardcheese

    Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever (2002)

    I've never seen this film, but I've been looking for an excuse to do so. With a title this horrible, I can only imagine this film is batshit crazy enough for HDTGM.
  25. Blast Hardcheese

    The Scarlet Letter (1995)

    Do you remember reading this hot and steamy book in high school? Same here! But have you seen the movie version of this perennial favorite? Oh boy! Hotter and steamer, if you can believe it. Like a log of mid-90's celluloid sexiness that'll give you th' vapors. Also, I didn't realize it at the time, but this story is a serious feminist/sexual awakening manifesto. And that ending? Wow! So much more uplifting and sweaty than the one in the book. (((Suck it, literature!))) How did this get made? How could this movie not have been made like this?