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Erudite crudite

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Posts posted by Erudite crudite

  1. I do lose patience when he starts talking about levitating whilst meditating. I imagine one can feel or visualise that you are floating...and that's it.


    No, when Matt asked Doug about levitating, Doug said it's not full flight, it's hopping. He's talking about

    , which is pretty funny to see in practice. This might be a good video to show on I4H.


    There was a federal political party in Canada in the 90s, the Natural Law Party, that espoused yogic flying. That's how I know about it.

    • Like 2

  2. Oh boy. Epic episode.


    So many segments --- the apes clip at the beginning, the phone call to Doug --- were all leading up to a single issue. But this wasn't really apparent until the end, when everything crystallized. It was like watching a heist movie where a bunch of little throwaway events in the first two acts are revealed in the third act to be planned parts of the climactic heist.

    • Like 5

  3. People have commented on the Foam Corner segment for being shocking. But there's a second time in this episode that also shocked me for being similarly personal and real. I haven't seen other people comment on it. And the end of the episode, Scott says, in a serious voice, "Take it from me... never, EVER have children." I'm pretty sure this is a direct reference to how Scott and Kulap are having trouble having trouble having kids. (Kulap goes into the tests she and Scott have recently gone through in the recent Who Charted?, but it's come up before.)

  4. So, if there is a second episode of The Travel Bug and August Lindt wanted to invite an entirely different cast of Germans, who could he invite? What other German characters have made podcast appearances?


    Thomas Middleditch's Klaus from the 6th anniversary ep of Comedy Bang Bang is a clear pick. He's even a fellow traveler.


    Jamie Denbo's turn as Anne Frank on the Dead Authors Podcast had me in stitches. (The Pope was a really good get for the first episode, but getting Anne Frank on the podcast would be an even bigger coup.)


    There are a few other Germans on the Dead Authors Podcast, including Adomian's Nietzsche and Carter and Gourley's Brothers Grimm, but you probably don't want more than one time traveler, if any. Adomian could play a Nietzsche scholar.


    Who else is there?

    • Like 1

  5. I was playing video games while June said that there's nothing less attractive than a man playing video games.


    Armen provides outstanding anti-comedy. He's the most inarticulate person I've ever heard; to have him be the host of a podcast is pure hilarity. I love it.

    • Like 4

  6. Don't forget Mile Still! He was great last year. I think what the last 4/20 episode had that this one lacked was an infectuous amount of stoned giggling in the background, and Mike and Horatio were a big part of that last time. Seth was an awesome addition, but I also loved the previous line-up... I think five improvisers rather than four is best for these eps just to ensure that things go really crazy. There were a few too many pauses this ep compared to the last.


    On his episode of Getting Doug With High, Besser said something about the previous 4/20 episode being a mixed bag because some improvisers were too chatty and some clammed up. No idea who he was talking about though; everyone last time was gold.

    • Like 1

  7. Gabrus or Adomian would obviously do great, but I think any of the strong, established characters could stand up to Tom's dourness. Marissa Wompler, Victor and Tiny, or Don Demillo could all balance him out just fine. Trabitha is still a little too one-note. (But so were all those characters originally. have high hopes for her. I want to know more about get home life and family.)

    • Like 1

  8. I was really looking forward to this ep, and it didn't disappoint. I don't think it quite hit the level of last year's masterpiece, but it's still a gem. Also: the noisy eating only took place between the scenes instead of during the scenes! Thank you!!


    What was really obvious to me is that each of the improvisers has an emotion that they are particularly excellent at portraying. (I think they default to them when they're high.)


    Gemberling: naive confusion

    Gabrus: unabashed amusement

    Morris: unyielding indignation

    Besser: holier-than-thou anger

    • Like 1

  9. I'm pretty sure Tom was trying to throw everyone off their game. But the show is basically founded on people trying to throw people off their game, so it didn't do much, even when he kept trying to double down. (Scott did take a break right after Tom started telling the story though... it made me wonder whether he checked in during the break about whether he could make fun of Tom's dead dog.)


    Scott's really amassing a collection of teenagers who have crushes on him. I want to see an episode with Traci, Marissa, and Trabitha all squaring off. With an unannounced guest appearance by Kulap at the end.

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  10. Yeah, it's definitely all artifice. Paul Rust in particular can't play a straight man the way that Besser and the others can, so whenever he rags on Armen it's obvious that they're just goofing around.


    I especially like how at the end, while they're in a scene, Matt cuts to thought bubbles over the improv players' heads (and not the characters they're playing), revealing that the whole thing is one big bit.


    I kinda want to see Armen go do interviews with Thomas the unpaid intern [edit: I mean Eric, of course!] so that Matt can yell at both of them together.

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